21 Lessons from Writing Everyday For a Month

Number 21 is Huge!

Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2020


In September, I had set a Gratitude challenge for myself. Write everyday for the month.

The theme however was to write about 3 things I am grateful for- preferably points that I took for granted or things that I feel new emotion for given how 2020 has shaped.

After reflecting for 10 days on the effect it has had on me, here are the lessons I learnt:

  1. I got into the habit of writing every day in the morning.
  2. I appreciate the time to edit and ‘wait it out’ before hitting ‘publish’ on my articles.
  3. Unsurprisingly, it was hard to write about points I am grateful for every day. But, reflecting and shuffling my perspective was an excellent exercise.
  4. I learned that I can write without repeating myself- something I had feared at the outset. I felt sure I would be regurgitating the same points as the month progressed. How nice to be proved wrong!
  5. Journal posts do not work. Not in Medium. That is true. But adding the why and how actually resonated with my fellow writers here on Medium.
  6. I actually engaged in more dialogue with my Gratitude posts — on Medium and in real life. Positivity works.
  7. I gained more followers.



Niru’s Notes

Reader. Author. Analyst. Mom. Mentor. Posts on making time for reading, discovering and exploring ideas, inculcating gratitude, and learning from experiences.