7 Ways Books Brings Me Joy

Niru’s Notes


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

This short post is a list of 7 ways that the habit of reading brings me joy!

  • Books are an easy way to enter into new worlds, perspectives and ideas. It can even be escape from the humdrum and stresses of everyday existence.
  • I make a habit of reading to my kids. This is a splendid way to bond and cuddle with the kids.
  • As a book worm, I frequently use my current read and ideas from books as conversation starters. It’s great to make new friends and a handy tool for networking.
  • My kids enjoy reading with each other and with friends. Nothing more joyful than seeing little heads poring over the same book.
  • My Bookstagram account. Everyone knows about the dopamine rush from social media. Books and social validation make a delightful mood booster.
  • Following a tip from an aunt, I developed the habit of annotating books (physical ones) with dates and places of purchase. I also jot down events if said book was received as part of a book club or…



Niru’s Notes

Reader. Author. Analyst. Mom. Mentor. Posts on making time for reading, discovering and exploring ideas, inculcating gratitude, and learning from experiences.