Niru’s Notes
Published in
Apr 29, 2022

Medium Lists- Are you using the Item Descriptors?

Photo by KOBU Agency on Unsplash

I am really enjoying the Medium list functionality. Chances are you are too!

But are you using the description on each item? Not the description of the overall list but the actual articles included?

If not, why?

It’s easy and adds relevant context to the list. You can add a spot of your personality too!

Check out this lovely example by Shreya Badonia

Screenshot by yours truly

If you are using it to curate posts from others, a thoughtful comment on why you included it will make it highly useful and the original writer feels genuinely pleased.

screenshot by yours truly

If you want to learn more about medium lists, hop over to the profiles of writers like Shreya, Burk , Tom Fenske or Kristina God.

What are you waiting for? Start one now!



Niru’s Notes

Reader. Author. Analyst. Mom. Mentor. Posts on making time for reading, discovering and exploring ideas, inculcating gratitude, and learning from experiences.