The Dam and the Boat

Hope does NOT Steer the Course

Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2021


Photo by Mael BALLAND on Unsplash

Everyone has heard the joke about the Battleship, that is urging what it thinks is another ship to move, only to find out — it’s been dictating terms to a lighthouse.

Hilarious! But how many times does that happen to us in real life?

Now think about this scenario-

You’re cruising down a scenic river, having a fun time. The winds are pleasant and the skies are clear.

All of a sudden, contrary to the weather predictions, the skies darken and before you know it, the clouds come crashing down on your boat. You can’t see a thing and the boat is lurching dangerously in various directions. The winds pick up and now your boat is completely out of control. You hang on for dear life muttering prayers to whoever you believe in, possibly even trying to hold close any other passengers on board.

In a short while, the clouds pass. The skies clear. The boat is straight and unmoving. You calm yourself and assess the situation trying to get your bearings.

And then you see it- a huge wall standing imposingly in front of you. It’s a dam — a solid construction of concrete and it’s seemingly stretching out for miles. You have no network and no bearings to know where you are, no idea if the dam might open or even functions…



Niru’s Notes

Reader. Author. Analyst. Mom. Mentor. Posts on making time for reading, discovering and exploring ideas, inculcating gratitude, and learning from experiences.