What are you Reading Next?

Book Bingo Goal Chart

Niru’s Notes
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2024


Photo by Studio Media on Unsplash

If you’re following me on Medium, chances are you are into reading and reading habits.

Naturally then, I want to share my best practices, ideas, book recommendations for sustaining a healthy albeit slightly difficult (in today’s distracted times) habit.

Today, I present Book Bingo!

The idea is the prize of reading and adding variety in the ideas and concepts we engage with.

I created the above Bingo chart using Canva. Feel free to use as is or customize as needed. I used a free template from Canva on the free version of the tool. Disclaimer: not an affiliate for Canva- I just enjoy it a lot and have written about it too (linked below).

I shall be sharing my updates on this Bongo card periodically. How about you? What are you going to read next? Share recommendations and f books you enjoyed so far this year in the responses below.

For ideas on diversifying your reading, consider reading this:

Ways I use Canva and you can too-



Niru’s Notes

Reader. Author. Analyst. Mom. Mentor. Posts on making time for reading, discovering and exploring ideas, inculcating gratitude, and learning from experiences.