From Adam to the Christ Consciousness

My own Interpretation of the Creation Story

Better Relationships
3 min readDec 20, 2013


In the beginning was the Void,

and the Void said,

“Let there be Meaning!”

and there was Meaning, and from that Meaning, more Meanings were created, and from those collections of Meanings, entire worlds!


When God created Adam and Eve,

God told them not to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

This Tree was really the Tree of Meaning.

Without Meaning, all their interactions with each other was just the Pure Experience, without any interpretations, and therefore, just Pure Pleasure and Joy.

When they ate from that Tree, they learned Meaning and Labels, including shame and guilt from the perception that they had ‘disobeyed’ God.

It’s said that God then threw them out of the Garden, but it’s more like — they threw themselves out. You see, at the time, God was the only One powerful enough to handle Meaning, and not suffer.

For 2000 years, God did not know what to do to help people handle Meaning, or so the Scripture says, but it’s more like He sent many messengers to teach people how to handle Meaning.

Then one day a bearded long-haired guy named Jesus Christ suddenly learned how to handle Meaning.

He may have been the First, or one of the Few, and thus he became…a God..himself, because when you can handle Meaning, you’re pretty much a God yourself. But He was not the only One. There were others, also worshipped as Gods — Buddha, Mohammad, Rumi, Guru Nanak, Guru Gobind Singh, to name a few.

But whereas Buddha said: “Do it yourself. Here’s how.”

And Mohammad said: “Worship Allah!”

And Rumi said: “Love the Beloved,”

Jesus said: “Do it through ME! I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light!”

It seems that He was the only One who said that.


It seems that he had merged with Meaning, with the Void in Physical form.

He was the Void in Physical Human Form — that Meaningless Void of Infinite Meanings, and therefore, Infinite Possibilities.

And His message, often missed, was: “And so are you!”


About the Author:

Breakthrough-Awakening Coach Kundan Chhabra’s methods of healing have helped more than 150,000 people around the world. Known as a ‘psychic surgeon’ for being fast, laser-focused and effective in getting the results clients want. Instead of years of therapy, costing you tens of thousands of dollars, you remove the root cause of why you suffer in your relationships so that you never suffer again — in six sessions or less!

He guides women to the next level of relationship happiness. His work has helped save marriages, end toxic relationships, and inspired his clients to lead more fulfilled lives with healthier connections of all kinds.

He is the author of “Experiencing Divinity, Sharing Awakening” and the co-author of the ground-breaking anthology “Love-Like God:Embracing Unconditional Love”, co-written with thought-leaders and luminaries from around the world such as world-renowned singer Deva Premal, and endorsed by Chicken Soul for the Soul co-founder Mark Victor Hansen.

He has worked with thought-leaders worldwide through his internet radio show: Noah St. John, Em Claire, Daphne Rose Kingma, and more. You can listen to his show here:

He is best known for his Breakthrough Awakening sessions that remove the root cause of your hurt and suffering in relationships; and his Unlock Your Heart Virtue Discovery Sessions which reveal to you the most important and yummy part of yourself you absolutely need to know to live a life of pure Ecstasy.

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Better Relationships

Creator of "the Alignment Code" & “Mental Kung Fu” for deep long-term fulfillment+clear boundaries: helping visionaries express their most meaningful idea yet!