Speed Up MetaMask Transactions

Engineering @ Nirvana Labs
Nirvana Labs
3 min readDec 6, 2022


What is MetaMask?

MetaMask is a popular browser and mobile based wallet application used by millions of web3 users to send and receive cryptocurrency and NFTs with a wallet that they hold the keys to.

How Does It Work?

MetaMask is self-custodied, which means that when a user creates a wallet they must copy down the automatically generated “seed phrase”. This seed phrase is the key to getting into your wallet. Once you’ve created a wallet, you can use it with any decentralized exchange, NFT marketplace or protocol dApp.

How Can It Be Better?

All web3 wallet apps need to have access to a blockchain node in order to receive or send transactions and balances from that blockchain unless you’re using a dApp that runs their own nodes and allows users to use them. By default, MetaMask is connected to Infura’s public node network.
This means you’re sharing bandwidth with everyone else using the default metamask provider and you’re limited by the number of transactions you can send at one time. When using the default blockchain provider you may experienced:

  • Slow transaction finality
  • Dropped transactions
  • Inaccurate gas fee estimates

If you’re looking to improve your MetaMask experience and get higher transactions per second, look no further.

Supercharge MetaMask with Nirvana Nodes

Nirvana Labs offers the fastest FREE nodes as well as the lowest pricing if you require a high request volume. Compared to other node providers, you get a lot more for a lot less with Nirvana.

Whats Up with Nirvana Nodes?

How did we manage this? In the past, we encountered the same problems over and over again with existing blockchain node providers, so we spent a year building a global infrastructure as a service with one goal in mind. Lower the barriers to entry into blockchain. This means we needed to make running a blockchain node easy, fast and affordable. Unlike many competitors, we focus on the extreme vertical integration of our services. We cut out all middlemen, including Amazon Web Services. So when competitors are seeing dropped transactions due to AWS outages, we still keep on chugging with our cloud-agnostic and decentralized infrastructure. (Wen Token? Follow us on Twitter to find out 😉)

Lets Upgrade!

Upgrading your MetaMask from the default provider is quite simple. Just open up MetaMask as you normally would and head to Settings > Networks.

Here you will see an option to “Add a Network”, if you don’t have a Nirvana Labs account, you can just use our public RPC URL and still see a vast improvement in transaction speeds and transaction success rate but if you’re looking to increase your max transactions per second, sign up and create a FREE node.

Once you’ve got you’re new lightning fast node, input the following options for Ethereum MainNet:

Once you’ve filled out the form, press save and ensure that “Ethereum — Nirvana is selected as your network. Now you can send and receive transactions as fast as you want without worry. At the time of writing this guide, we offer Ethereum and Avalanche nodes. Polygon coming soon! 🚀

Avalanche Public RPC URL

If you have any questions or need some help setting up your MetaMask, join our Discord Server where our team of talented Web3 Support Engineers can assist you 24/7/365!



Engineering @ Nirvana Labs
Nirvana Labs

Our mission is to make blockchain infrastructure economical and accurate, ultimately lowering the barriers to entry for web3 engineers.