Join our Customer Support team!

Team Nirvana
Free Your Mind
Published in
1 min readOct 15, 2015

We’re looking for a passionate and fun-loving person to lead our Customer Support team.

You’ll be working along-side (or within Slack-reach of) Elbert, Sergio and David to bring our customer support to the next level. We’re looking for someone who loves helping others, can keep calm and stay positive even when customers aren’t, and someone with a passion for both Nirvana and the Getting Things Done® methodology.

You need to be an excellent writer who loves writing. In addition to being able to write clearly and concisely in a friendly tone with our customers, we’d love for you to be a contributor to our blog and social channels. If this sounds like you, we’ve love for you to apply.

How to apply

Please submit a cover letter explaining:

  • Why you want to work in customer support.
  • Why you want to work at Nirvana and not somewhere else.
  • A description of a great customer service experience you had recently, and what made it great.

We’d prefer someone in Montreal, but if you can make a great case for why you’re the best person for us while working remote, we’re all ears.

Email us at and include “Customer Support Team” in the subject line. If you’re attaching a CV, please include it as a PDF.

BTW, we love it when folks get creative with what they send in. :-)

