July 2020 Updates

Team Nirvana
Free Your Mind
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2020

We hope you’re doing OK in these crazy times. It’s been a difficult few months for us all. They say to focus on what you can control—so, we’ve pushed out some new goodness to the web app.

lo, what is this? some mouse skillz in the dark?

Keyboard navigation enhancements

  • Select tasks with up / down arrow keys;
  • shift+up / shift+down to select multiple tasks;
  • option+up / option+down to move selected tasks (mac)
  • alt+up / alt+down to move selected tasks (windows)
  • With tasks selected, right arrow to show notes, left arrow to hide notes, enter to edit, then enter to save changes;
  • n key inserts a new task just below a selected task;
  • Traverse the lists in the left nav with bracket keys [ and ]

Multi-select enhancements

  • Select multiple tasks like you would select files and folders on your computer’s desktop. Shift+click or lasso-drag around multiple items.
  • You can then drag-n-drop those tasks onto another list, or apply changes to the selected bunch via right-click.

Back to (browser) basics

  • Use your browser’s Back button to navigate to the previous list you were just looking at.
  • Forward button works as well.
  • And you can copy the URL to permalink to any list or project.

Look & Feels

  • Dark mode 👽
  • No more tiny fonts!
  • Color contrast has also been increased to reduce eye strain.
  • Is it July 30 or 30 July — Set your pref.

And the requisite nerd stuff…

  • Underlying code libraries have been updated to the latest versions;
  • Refactored older code to enable theming and internationalization (in an upcoming release).

For August, we’re looking to launch the native macOS and Windows desktop apps for real (as they’ve been in beta for, like, approaching evergreen status), and also, hopefully, update them iOS and Android mobile apps as well.

OK, that’s it for now. Thanks for reading. Stay safe y’all.

