June 2022 App Updates

Team Nirvana
Free Your Mind
Published in
1 min readJun 10, 2022

Nerd alert: this post is technical.

We’ve spent the better part of the past year reworking the underpinnings of our mobile and desktop apps. It’s been quite a slog but worth it.

Nirvana was one of the earliest proponents of the Progressive Web App movement. In fact, the term hadn’t been coined yet when we dove in! And as is often the case with being on the bleeding edge of early adoption, we’d accumulated quite a bit of cruft that needed clearing out.

But clear away we did and prevail we have.

Our mobile apps are now built on Capacitor. And our desktop apps are leveraging the latest from Electron. This is big deal as it puts us in a position to start new feature development again.

We hope you’re enjoying the new apps that run smoother and launch faster (especially noticeable for Apple Silicon M1 users). And as always our release notes can be found here.

We’re always happy to hear from you too! 💁

