June 2023 App Updates

Team Nirvana
Free Your Mind
Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2023

What’s been cookin’?

Fast Filtering
The ability to quickly drill-down to the most relevant and actionable to-do’s has been a powerful capability on desktop. We’ve now brought the same “filter bar” to mobile, making it quick and easy to filter lists based on available time, energy and context.

iPhone screenshot: Focus list filtered for to-do’s related to the kids, doable within 1 hour

Top or bottom
Sequencing to-dos in the optimal order to be completed (placing more urgent items at the top, for example) reduces the mental overhead of deciding which action to take next. Just pick the next item off the top! Thus newly created to-do’s have always been appended to the bottom of lists as something to consider doing after you’ve completed your other to-do’s. But, enough people wanted the option to place newly created to-do’s at the top by default, so we added a mobile setting for this. On desktop you can use keyboard shortcut: Shift + N.

Word-wrap toggle
As a general rule we encourage clarity over brevity. Call Bob to reschedule our tennis match for next Wednesday is explicit and clear, whereas something like Call Bob forces the brain to recall what needed to be discussed. Long to-do’s word-wrap on small screens, however, which some people find visually off-putting. So as a middle ground we’ve added the option to turn word-wrapping on or off. This limits the display of to-do’s to only the first 6 or 7 words before an ellipses, but it does keep lists looking tight with shorter to-do’s ala Call Bob to reschedule our tennis match… ⭐️

Daily progress & cleanup
If you prefer to see your completed to-dos checked off as you go (left in-place rather than being moved to the bottom) there’s a new setting for that. You can also let Nirvana move your completed to-do’s to the Logbook automatically once a day.


