N2 Build 508 — Start Week on Monday

Team Nirvana
Free Your Mind
Published in
1 min readOct 28, 2012

An update for our many friends across the pond, you can now (finally) set your calendar week to start on Mondays if you so desire. Our first step down the path towards proper localisation — other languages and date formats to come in future releases — being able to start the week on Monday was a big one for a lot of people, so here it is.

Screen shot 2012-10-28 at 7.16.20 AM

Visit Settings » Preferences… and you’ll find the radio buttons to make this your preferred calendar view — over on the right-side of the Preferences dialog.

Screen shot 2012-10-28 at 7.15.43 AM

We also fixed a rather annoying rendering bug that was affecting Chrome users: that 4 pixel high line that would occasionally appear in the left navi is no longer. Thank goodness.

As always, release notes are here.

