New Support & Community Site Live

Team Nirvana
Free Your Mind
Published in
4 min readNov 24, 2009

New Support & Community Site Live

As Nirvana grows as an app so does our user-base. As this user-base grows so does the amount of feedback, bug reports and overall nice comments we receive. We were using Zen Desk as our support/bug tracking tool (we use web apps too!) but it just seemed to be overkill for us and we quietly abandoned it a while back. We installed an open-source forum (punBB) for the Community v1, with the hopes of combining bug reporting, general feedback and promoting general discussions, but, like Zen Desk, we weren’t thrilled using it and we didn’t set it up 100% as we didn’t always get notified when people submitted new posts — sigh.

While we had some very dedicated users making an effort to contribute to and build up Community v1, we were frustrated by the fact that most of the good conversations and feedback discussions were still happening behind the scenes via email and Twitter DMs. Community v1 just wasn’t cutting it for us or for Nirvana users anymore. It seemed too superficial and inorganic, and — too boot — highly inefficient from a internal perspective.

Our solution? Tender… LOVE the Tender (insert your own Elvis reference here). Why does this work for us better? The FEEDBACK link found within Nirvana is now hooked up directly to Tender support site so your message — be it a Problem, Question, Suggestion or overall thoughts or insights on GTD can be submitted privately or publicly directly from the app into the new Community. This eliminates us ingesting these messages via email and organically and transparently builds the Community.

For us, we now have a place to house proper Knowledge Base and FAQ articles as opposed to trying to post these into a more traditional Forum format or even as a blog post — hard to keep these things up to date. We are also now posting our regular release notes so you can see what features have been added (and when) as well as overall bug fixes.

For non-Nirvana account holders, this new Community provides a more one-stop place to learn all about Nirvana, it’s development & progress and be able to communicate with other users.

All in all we feel that this is a win-win move… hope you enjoy Nirvana Support & Community v2.

As Nirvana grows as an app so does our user-base. As this user-base grows so does the amount of feedback, bug reports and overall nice comments we receive. We were using Zen Desk as our support/bug tracking tool (we use web apps too!) but it just seemed to be overkill for us and we quietly abandoned it a while back. We installed an open-source forum — punBB — for Community v1, with the hopes of combining bug reporting, general feedback and promoting general discussions. But, like with Zen Desk, we weren’t thrilled using it and we didn’t set it up 100% as we didn’t always get notified when people submitted new posts — sigh.

While we had some very dedicated users making an effort to contribute to and build up Community v1, we were frustrated by the fact that most of the good conversations and feedback discussions were still happening behind the scenes via email and Twitter DMs. Community v1 just wasn’t cutting it for us or for Nirvana users anymore. It seemed too superficial and inorganic, and — too boot — highly inefficient from a internal perspective.

Our solution? Tender… LOVE the Tender (insert your own Elvis reference here). Why does this work for us better? The FEEDBACK link found within Nirvana is now hooked up directly to Tender support site so your message — be it a Problem, Question, Suggestion or overall thoughts or insights on GTD can be submitted privately or publicly directly from the app into the new Community. This eliminates us ingesting these messages via email, and it organically and transparently builds the Community.

For us, we now have a place to house proper Knowledge Base and FAQ articles as opposed to trying to post these into a more traditional Forum format or even as a blog post — hard to keep these things up to date. We are also now posting our regular Release Notes so you can see what features have been added (and when) as well as overall bug fixes.

For non-Nirvana account holders, this new Community provides a more one-stop place to learn all about Nirvana, it’s development & progress and be able to communicate with other users.

All in all we feel that this is a win-win move. Hope you enjoy Nirvana Support & Community v2.

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