Take 2 — Phased Rollout

Team Nirvana
Free Your Mind
Published in
1 min readOct 4, 2011

Here’s the revised rollout plan:

  • Push a few N2 builds — code cleanup / UI spruce up
  • Monitor how things go for awhile
  • Sunset N1 — migrating everyone over to N2
  • Make sure everyone was able to transition smoothly
  • Open Beta for N2 — no more invite queue, all new signups land in N2
  • Monitor how things go for awhile
  • Launch

We basically tried to do too much of this in one fell swoop last week and there were just too many dependencies. Better to tackle in bite-sized chunks.

As these become ready they will be released:

  • Native iPhone app
  • Native Android app

Native mobile apps may be released before launch, or shortly thereafter. Depends on how things play out.

I know people have been wondering what we’ve been doing… Separating out the above steps required a bit of rework, but things have now been nicely decoupled (as they probably should have been all along, but you know, sometimes one can be optimistic to a fault).

Based on the feedback we’ve received, we’ve also decided to loosen up just a tad on the free plan restrictions, but more on that in a future post.

