The Perfect Time

Team Nirvana
Free Your Mind
Published in
Jan 9, 2024

A new year ⭐️ … the perfect time to reflect, reset, and set new intentions.

Of course, it’s always the perfect time to be intentional about our actions and choices. (And as practitioners of GTD we already have 52 opportunities built-in — the weekly review!)

So what matters most to you? What actions will bring you closer to where you want to be? Embrace the tasks and activities that bring joy and fulfillment, and maybe release the ones that don’t.

Photo by Francesco Gallarotti on Unsplash

Are there items on your lists that are needlessly cluttering up your mental space? Letting these go will create room for growth, creativity, and peace.

So may this year be another year of staying focused on what truly matters. Let’s get going. Let’s start getting things done!

