What’s Up

Team Nirvana
Free Your Mind
Published in
1 min readApr 4, 2012

We’ve been heads down for a few weeks getting the iPhone (iPod) app ready for prime time. We’ve had more than a few inquiries as to why the silence on the blog. We tend to congregate over on the discussion forums and twitter, only to neglect our lovely blog here. Our bad.

So, here’s what we’ve been working on:

  • Polishing up the iPhone app for App Store approval
  • Begin porting the work we’ve done for iPhone app to Android
  • Mobile web app overhaul for compatibility with more devices (win, bb)
  • Preliminary work on iPad app
  • Preliminary work on getting references lists into the app
  • Migrating support to Zendesk (a better system for our current needs)
  • Integrating with Chargify for simple monthly/annual subscription plans
  • Incorporating Nirvanahq, Inc as a separate entity from PLU Communications, Inc for cleaner accounting vis-a-vis Chargify
  • Setting up our new merchant account for billing (dependency: Nirvanahq, Inc)
  • Resurrecting our Facebook presence
  • Looking into alternate sign-in for users via google, facebook, twitter
  • Updating our on-ramp experience… getting started video needs to be re-done, faqs need updating etc.

We also quietly removed the need for invite codes last month, effectively making Nirvana open-signup, and have almost doubled our active user-base since that time.

We’re almost there, we’re almost there…

