Is Your Reality a Lie? Four Factors That Shape Your Perception of the World

Thomas A. Vik
Published in
5 min readJun 23, 2024

In a world where we’re all staring at the same sky, how is it that we each see something different?

Is reality a shared experience, or is it a construct as unique as our fingerprints? Let’s dive into the abyss of perception and uncover how personal experiences, cultural background, psychological state, and spiritual development twist and shape our version of reality. Buckle up…

…the truth might be weirder than you think.

1. The Ghosts That Haunt Your Perception

Ever notice how two people can go through the same event and come out with entirely different stories?

Personal experiences are the ghosts that haunt our perception. Every trauma, triumph, heartbreak, and joy leaves an indelible mark on how we see the world.

These experiences aren’t just chapters in our life story; they’re the lens through which we view reality. Consider a child who grows up in a war zone versus one raised in a peaceful suburb. The former sees the world fraught with danger and unpredictability, while the latter views it as a playground of endless possibilities.

Both are right, in their own way, because reality is tinted by the hues of our past. The question is, are we ever seeing the world as it is…

…or only as we are?

2. The Collective Illusion

Culture is the water we swim in.

For most of us, this water is invisible, yet it profoundly shapes our perception. It’s the collective illusion that we inherit, the beliefs and values passed down through generations.

Imagine being born in a remote village versus a bustling metropolis; your reality is sculpted by the myths, customs, and expectations of your surroundings. Take the concept of time. In the West, time is linear, a relentless march forward. In many Eastern cultures, time is cyclical, an endless loop.

These differing views shape everything from how people live their daily lives to how they perceive their existence. One isn’t more real than the other…

…they’re just different filters over the same lens.

3. The Mind’s Funhouse Mirror

The mind is a funhouse mirror.

This mirror is distorting reality through the lens of our psychological state. Mental health, emotional stability, and cognitive biases all play a role in how we interpret the world around us.

A person battling depression sees a bleak, unwelcoming world, while someone in a state of euphoria views the same world as a place of endless beauty and potential. Ever heard of the “rose-colored glasses” phenomenon? It’s not just a saying; it’s a testament to how our internal state skews our external perception. When you’re happy, everything seems brighter, people friendlier, and problems solvable.

When you’re down, those same elements turn sinister. Reality hasn’t changed, but your mind has…

…and that changes everything.

4. Peering Beyond the Veil

Spiritual development is the wild card in the deck of perception.

Practices like meditation, self-inquiry, and mystical experiences can tear down the veil of mundane reality, revealing layers previously unseen.

Imagine living your whole life in a dimly lit room, only to have the lights suddenly turned on. That’s the potential impact of spiritual awakening. The stories of mystics and sages who claim to see beyond the illusion of Maya are more than just tales; they’re accounts of profound shifts in perception. They remind us that our everyday reality might just be a shadow of something far greater…

…and that true perception lies beyond the limits of our conditioned mind.

Reality is a Personal Construct

So, is it possible that our perception of reality differs from others, making everything we know potentially untrue?

Absolutely. Reality is not a fixed entity but a fluid construct, molded by our personal experiences, cultural background, psychological state, and spiritual development.

Each of us navigates through a world uniquely our own, shaped by countless factors seen and unseen. The next time you find yourself in a heated debate, remember that you and your opponent might be arguing from entirely different versions of reality. Your truth isn’t necessarily their lie, and vice versa. The path to understanding lies not in proving one right or wrong…

…but in recognizing the myriad lenses through which we all view the world.

Embrace the Mystery

As we wrap up this exploration, one thing becomes clear:

Reality is a mystery, and that’s okay. Embrace the uncertainty, the differences in perception, and the possibility that what you know might just be a fraction of a larger truth. By questioning your reality and understanding the factors that shape it, you take a step closer to a more profound awareness.

Remember, the journey is not about finding definitive answers but about asking the right questions. In the end, it’s the quest for understanding that enriches our lives, not the certainty of having figured it all out. Keep your mind open, your curiosity burning…

….and never settle for a reality that feels too small.

