The Secrets to Abundance for Spiritual Seekers: Beyond External Validation

Thomas A. Vik
Published in
4 min readJun 28, 2024


The journey to spiritual bliss is like a cosmic Easter egg hunt where the eggs are hidden in plain sight.

You don’t need a treasure map, just a willingness to see beyond the obvious. In this high-paced, high-stakes game of spiritual enlightenment, the first egg is the joy of self-discovery. This joy isn’t the confetti-filled thrill of scoring a touchdown…

…it’s the profound recognition that you’ve always been holding the ball.

The Joy of Self-Discovery: Finding the Treasure Within

Self-discovery is a delightful paradox.

You’re not discovering anything new; you’re just realizing what was always there.

Picture this: you’re in a vast, opulent mansion, frantically searching for a treasure chest, only to find out that you’ve been sitting on it the whole time. The joy isn’t in the finding, it’s in the realizing.

The great Zen master Bankei once said, “Don’t side with yourself.” This means don’t get caught up in the drama of your ego. The ego is like a bad reality TV show — it’s all noise and no substance. When you stop tuning in, you start tuning into something deeper. The joy of self-discovery isn’t in acquiring new things, it’s in…

