The Superman in Us: Why We All Wear a Clark Kent Costume

The Superman Metaphor

Thomas A. Vik


Superman doesn’t become Superman; he is Superman.

When he wakes up, he is Superman. His alter ego is Clark Kent. That red cape with the big “S”? That’s his baby blanket. The glasses and business suit? That’s the disguise.

Clark Kent is Superman’s critique of the human race. Now, what does that have to do with you, sitting at your desk, scrolling through another article on self-improvement? You are Superman. Or Wonder Woman. Or whatever superhero resonates with you. And just like Superman, you’ve got your Clark Kent costume — your work persona, your social media facade, the you that blends in with the crowd.

But the real you? That’s buried underneath layers of societal expectations and self-imposed limitations. Why should you care? Because recognizing this dichotomy is the first step towards reclaiming your true, powerful self…

…and who doesn’t want to unleash their inner superhero?

The Human Amnesia

Here’s the kicker: We’ve all got amnesia.

We forget our true nature as easily as we forget where we left our keys. From the moment we’re born, society starts dressing us in our Clark Kent costumes. We’re taught to fit in, to…

