Where Am I? Traversing the Invisible Milestones of the Spiritual Journey

Thomas A. Vik
Published in
4 min readNov 5, 2023


Life is the spiritual seeker’s jungle, and “Where am I?” is the call of the wild.

In this existential expedition, the landmarks of progress are as elusive as the scent of a rainforest bloom; compelling, yet nearly impossible to pinpoint. Here lies the enigma:

How do you locate yourself on a map that exists only in dimensions of inner experience?

The Unseen Trail

In the great odyssey of self-realization, you won’t find any mile markers.

That’s the first hard truth. The signs we seek, the evidences of our advancement, are smoke — they dissipate before they can be grasped.

Why? Because spiritual growth is not linear, it’s dimensional. It doesn’t happen out there; it unfolds within the layers of consciousness. Imagine a hiker, one foot in front of the other, eyes fixed on a path that’s felt more than seen. That’s us, moving through the fog of our own narratives, each step a subtle shift in perception.

It’s about the sudden clarity at dawn after a night spent under the stars, not the number of miles covered. The real trek is measured in the silent awakenings…

…the quiet revelations that flicker across the mind’s sky like meteors in the



Thomas A. Vik

From anxious shadows to non-dual light 🌟 / Challenging norms & revealing universal truths / The 'salt' reshaping spiritual narratives & awakening truths ✨