Come on scrypt, speed up!

A quick update

Pratyush Nalam
NirvanaPass Blog
2 min readJul 8, 2016


Looking to speeden up scrypt on Android

Last time, I told you about how I was moving away from Argon2 to scrypt due to the lack of ARM implementations for the former (and my lack of expertise on how to make that happen at the moment). I wrote up a simple scrypt hashing function after user login (check out the code here).

But man, it is slow. It takes about a full minute for the hash to be computed on my Nexus 6P. Is my phone just slow or what? It barely takes a second on my laptop. So, this is basically a call for help. If you are reading this, I request one of two things from you dear reader —

  • Get the APK here (or alternatively clone the GitHub repo at this commit) and let me know how much time it takes (the millisecond count displayed in the toast when you login). Use any name and password — doesn’t matter for now. Email your findings to (or leave a comment below).
  • If you know about Android and/or scrypt, please tell me how to speeden up this process. I would appreciate any assistance.

In the meanwhile, I’ll of course be looking how to improve this as well. Thank you in advance.

See you soon,


