Introducing NirvanaPass

Pratyush Nalam
NirvanaPass Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2015


Taking passwords into the 21st century

Passwords are something we use everyday. We use them to authenticate our identities all over the Internet. But, the way we use them is hopelessly insecure and outdated. We use the same, weak password everywhere (mostly) and this causes major security issues. I have been thinking of this from a long time how to get around this.

Of course, we have password managers, vaults and what not. I personally use LastPass at the moment but this isn’t a completely secure solution either. And then, the other day, I chanced upon this app called MasterPassword. However, I found it lacking in a few customisation options and also a bias towards Apple devices.

And hence, NirvanaPass was born. This is my attempt to make a first-class, cross-platform next-generation password manager based on the same idea as MasterPassword but with some additional features. The project will be open-sourced and I have setup a GitHub repository at I still have to decide on what license to use and all those specifics. For now, I am going to dive into cryptography and understand how best to use it for this project.

I will post regular updates here. There is also a basic website at For the social media fanatics, there is Facebook and Twitter. If you would like to collaborate with me on this, shoot an email to

Hopefully, by early 2016, I will have a working Android app and a command line tool ready with apps for other platforms in progress. Being a full time student, there is only so much time I can dedicate to this effort. I will share more specifics and progress updates with you as we go along.

See you soon,


