The pursuit of happiness takes you away from happiness.

Introverts in Tech
Nishant Garg
Published in
3 min readAug 15, 2019

I was meeting a dear friend Kyle Anderson after a long week, and since we both enjoy discussing life skills so that we all can become a better version of ourselves, he brought a point on being happy and from there our conversation flowed deep into happiness.

I have not found anybody who does not want happiness. Everybody wants to be happy regardless of how much money they have.

We all have heard “Money cannot buy happiness”. But, most of us still attach happiness with money”. Money can never buy happiness, but it can buy options.

There is no issue with money, but the problem is the “love for money”. Money elevates your true colors. If you are miserable from inside, more money will make you more miserable.

Up until 3 years ago, I was constantly attaching my happiness with money and jumping from one job to another to get more money so that I can be happier. The sad truth is I was not happy and was still miserable.

But in today’s culture and society, our success is measured by how much money we have. At least, the culture I grew up in, the success was measured with money. No money means you are not successful.

Seeking happiness in materialistic things is always temporary. Let’s say, when you buy a new car, your emotions are high and you really feel happy, but after some time when the high emotions get to normal, your happiness might also get fades. And it always happens, when happiness is dependent on external factors.

The more we tend to seek happiness in external things, we will never get to it.

As Dalai Lama said, the purpose of life is to be happy and doing everything with happy mental and emotional state because happiness is a state of mind.

I believe that we all are the Purpose. The purpose is not different from us. When I think that I am the Purpose and if the purpose of life is to be happy, then I get to be happy.

Happiness is a choice. Sometimes this choice is easy and sometimes it is hard.

As Tony Robbins says- “live in a beautiful state no matter what happens”. I can think of another term of “beautiful state” as “Happiness”.

The more we pursue happiness, the more It gets away from us. Happiness is not external to us that we can pursue and keep it with us.

Happiness is within all of us and we were born with this. Instead of looking for it outside of yourself, I suggest looking within you.

You can find happiness which is already inside of you by:

-Knowing your true higher self. Meditation and seeking silence are great ways to find yourself.

- Making progress towards your goals. Even if you are not there, but if you know you are making progress, you feel happy.

-Positive affirmations.

Attachment with things can be the cause of unhappiness if you don’t those things. Too much attachment with people we love can bring unhappiness when they do not live up to our expectations.

Attachment with materialistic things is not good either because we become unhappy when that thing goes away from us.

Happiness is a practice and a deliberate choice we get to make every day. When we make this choice, our life shapes differently and the whole personality becomes attractive.



Introverts in Tech
Nishant Garg

Angular Developer | Introvert | Nature Lover | I help introverted Javascript and Angular Developers own their voice, manage their energy and be more human.