Singing Nursery Rhymes

Jacqueline ARCE
From the Inside
Published in
1 min readJun 12, 2017

Oh, how you love

The way

The horn on the bus

Goes beep beep beep

And the way

Mary brings her little lamb

Everywhere she goes.

You ask me questions like

“Mama where the bus going?”

Or “Where’s my little lamb?”

And you sing the same song

For weeks on end

Before telling me

“No more bus!”

And obsessing over Bingo instead.

Oh, how I love

to hear

The confidence with which

You sing the words

you’ve so imperfectly memorized.

(“there was a far man had a dog”).

But I may go crazy

If the horn on the bus

Beeps one more time.

singing “row row row your boat”

