Dear Reader…

NIT Warangal 101
Published in
3 min readFeb 5, 2016

How do you fare? It is indeed a great pleasure to write to you. Please allow me to thank you dearly for continuously reading articles on NIT Warangal 101 blog and encouraging us to keep going. If it was not for you, we wouldn’t be doing this.

I firmly believe that one of the fundamental attributes of a human being is the ability to think; and when thoughts take shape, expression is born. Writing, as a form of expression, has been and still is one of the most revered forms practiced through ages. It has been seminal to generate great impact or turbulence, whatever was needed to address the demands of a particular situation.

As for our beloved college, NIT Warangal, for anything to happen, for change to take place, for inspiration, for collective effort, we need a push; a spark at the core. Written media, to report as well as to invoke progress, is vital for a college environment where captivating energy is omnipresent. Absence of such a medium during my years at the institute deeply worried me as well as several of my confidants.

Then began the journey to build a medium for students, alumni and faculty to discuss ideas, share experiences and showcase achievements, leveraging the internet and its resources. We’ve written candid articles of student life and experiences, interviewed several alumni and published articles based on alumni’s insights about their work. Yet, it’s not enough — as persistent entrepreneurs would say, we are just getting warmed up. Amidst some ridicule and dismissal, we still kept moving ahead owing to the support and encouragement of few great individuals including faculty of NIT Warangal. I take this opportunity to thank them for the support and guidance. A very special thanks to all the people who continuously chose to write amidst mid exams, work deadlines and all other obstacles — without them the stories would have never come out. And today, it has been two years of writing, publishing, interviews, connections and exploration.

Many have asked me about the 101 in the name. Let me tell you why. Probably you’d know that all college level introductory courses have a 101 code. It means being level noob — and in that course you’d find everything you need to know to get you going. If you land at the blog NIT Warangal 101 to read some articles, you will have the information to get you started on college activities, acads or your work life. That is the intention.

I hope all the content on this blog answers questions that you may have. I hope it inspires you to tread in a path less travelled. I hope it serves your hungry mind. I hope it engages you. I hope it piques your intellectual curiosity. I hope it empowers you to make stronger decisions about what you want to do in college; or after you graduate.

Opportunities are plenty, and the time has never been so perfect. If you can think, then express. I encourage, no, challenge you to write and add value to our community because “There is no agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

To progress. To success. To take NIT Warangal to the next level.

Keep reading, writing.



NIT Warangal 101

I work on data analysis, visualization and experimentation as part of my daily job.