Maui @ KDE

Camilo Higuita
Published in
6 min readSep 11, 2019

The Maui Project

The Maui Project is a group of tools working together to achieve a multi-platform and convergent environment.

The Maui Project runs on Android, GNU/Linux Desktops, and Plasma Mobile.

At a high level, there are 4 main components provided. There is a UI/UX framework named MauiKit used to build our set of apps for them to work on different devices, platforms, and screen form factors.

We also provide a group of libraries used to sync information and data across different devices (libwebdav and libccdav).

Finally, there is the Maui HIG which informs how the apps should look and behave so our environment can have a cohesive look and feel.

These four components work together to bring the user experience of convergence, not only within a single device but across different platforms, so you can always have a standard set of adaptable apps that carries with it your information.

So far, the suite of Maui Apps is composed of a file manager, music player, image viewer, document viewer, terminal emulator, contacts manager and dialer, simple text editor and a notes and tasks manager.

All of those apps, tools, and libraries have been incubated into KDE and are now part of the KDE family, for the community to use them, contribute and get involved.

Index — file manager (on GNU/Linux desktop and on Android phone)

Incubation process

Given that the Maui Project has been successfully incubated and now forms part of KDE, you can find all the components (framework, libraries, and apps) at the new KDE Gitlab instance @ Invent.

Later on, find testing builds on the repositories of KDE Neon, so you don’t have to build the project from source yourself.

What does it mean for the Maui Project to have been incubated and now form part of the KDE community project?

It means that now all of the Maui Project parts will take advantage of the KDE infrastructure, so you can test and use all of our technologies easily on your devices (Portable, Desktop PC and Phones, be it Android or Plasma Mobile).

The project will benefit from community support, from translations to promote, and so on, so the project can grow together with the KDE community.

And finally, it means that the Maui Project follows the KDE Manifesto.

Maui Parts

The following is a comprehensive list of parts that are incubated:

libccdav & libwebdav

These are libraries to sync information across platforms and devices by making use of cloud solutions.


MauiKit is the UI/UX framework made to build and prototype applications that support the Maui HIG quickly.

For this, MauiKit makes use of Kirigami for convergent applications and adds on top of it some functionality like different components (widgets), views and back-ends, such as a Store view for getting online content, a File Browser, a simple Text Editor and file management tools. Besides, tight integration with the underlying system, be it Android or GNU/Linux.


Index is a file manager application. You can browse your files and applications and organize your content by using tags and bookmarks, and it also provides a quick overview popup to check out your multimedia files.


Pix is the image viewer and gallery manager. It allows you to browse, organize, and share your images, photos, and albums. Also to view your images, mark them as *favs*, add them to collections, tag them, and edit them.


Vvave is the music player.

& more:

Station / terminal emulator

Library / documents viewer and browser

Buho / notes and tasks manager

Nota / simple text editor

Dialer / contacts manager

Discussion and Q&A

Here are a few talking points for those interested. There may be questions later and we are happy to discuss them.

MauiKit & Kirigami

  • MauiKit is not another Kirigami fork nor does it intent to be a broad propose UI framework for the development of convergent apps. It is a specialization of Kirigami; therefore, it uses Kirigami alongside other tools (in-house made) to follow the Maui HIG.
  • MauiKit includes a group of properties design to follow the Maui HIG by default. When one uses the MauiKit to build an app, one could say is building a Maui App.

What’s the difference between MauiKit and Maui?

MauiKit is the UI/UX framework we use to build applications, while Maui is the project that groups all the parts of the project: apps, frameworks, libraries, services, and tools.


The KDE HIG describes high-level guidelines that have been adapted and applied as new UI Toolkits have appeared (QWidgets, QQC, QQC2…).

The Maui HIG is then, informed by such high level guidelines and then adapts those fundamental ideas with different design patterns. An example of this is the behavior of Mauikit toolbars. The KDE HIG suggests reach-ability and MauiKit implements it by allowing the toolbars to move depending on the platform and device where the app is used.

The project can be seen as a playground where new ideas can be tested, nurtured, and then merged on both directions when those are mature and proved. Instead of being perceived as a duplication of work an effort, it shows how dynamic the KDE community is at embracing new ideas and projects, keeping an open mind for newcomers.

Current State of the project

The project is currently at very active development, and some parts of it are now much more mature than others.

For a select group of apps, there is already release candidate packages for broader testing, while MauiKit, the core, continues to receive updates, fixes, and improvements along the way.

The libraries and services continue growing and being curated to work the best way possible on the targeted platforms by staying as close and integrated into the underlying system as possible.

Goals, road map and future

The Maui Project is going to be shipped by default on NitruxOS, which is an exciting project working with super new, fresh and inspiring ideas.

Within a couple of months, there should be a stable release for a selected group of apps and a stable version of MauiKit

We have some exciting meetings at Akademy 2019, so you can keep an eye on it. If you are around Milan, join us!

RC Announcement

You can test three Maui Apps on your Android device right now. A file manager, an image viewer, and a music player.

Index, Pix and Vvave APK packages can be downloaded down below. Play and test them. You can report issues and get involved in many ways.


