Maui @ Plasma Mobile Sprint 2019

Camilo Higuita
Published in
3 min readApr 14, 2019

This year I attended to my first ever KDE Sprint, it was at Berlin and the work was focused on a super special project: Plasma Mobile.

I have been working on the MauiKit framework and the Maui set of apps for almost a year now, and some of those apps are are going to be shipped with Plasma Mobile by default, so my main work consisted on bringing those apps up to date, work on missing features and fix bugs along the way.

I also worked a little on getting acquainted with the Plasma Mobile shell, its plasmoids, how they work and how is structured, since I will be eventually hacking on it and start contributing. It is good to get used to it since I’ve been wanting since forever to work on a convergent launcher that can be used on desktop computers and phones, so there might appear a new option eventually.

So the big overview is that all the apps are now using a better modelling system that allows to have better control over the content, got a cleaner UI interface and gained some features along the way.


A lot of work went into improving the mobile-ready file manager, Index.

It now makes use a proper model system and it is powered by a back-end provided by MauiKit FM (file management tools) that now allows to sort the content by title, size, modified date, etc.. it can also group files and folders by categories and sort folders first.

The UI was cleaned up and now everything is more user friendly.

You can also make searches, although this feature still needs some work.

The places sidebar now can show badges counting new files.

There is still a lot work to be done for Index, and being under active development you should expect more from this app pretty soon.

Index with a more cleared UI interface and showing an icon grid view and a list view with some basic information
Index search view and sorting options.
Places sidebar badges and new file dialog.


Vvave is the music player, and I managed to completely improved the whole model system, and now it is a lot cleaner, faster and mature.

Also, thanks to the quick visit from a designer from the Gnome team, Vvave and the other apps got a little of UI clean up.

So, now Vvave can sort tracks, albums and artists; and the Now playing playlist is smoother and clearer.

Vvave sorting options thanks to new modeling
New Vvave Now playing playlist view. Tracks can also be browsed from the toolbar with the current track info by swiping.


Buho saw some work on the Editor component which allows to take the notes. And also a complete rework of the modelling, allowing to sort the notes and links saved.


Although Pix, the image viewer, is not going to be shipped by default, i also worked on it since it should be available for early users to test.

Now the image viewer can zoom in and out using the pinch gesture, and the UI got cleaned up.

