Maui Shared Tagging System

Camilo Higuita
Published in
2 min readJun 24, 2018

Maui Shared Tagging system is a small but important part of a bigger idea being designed and developed for the Maui Project.

Such idea is to have a set of essential apps that are cohesive on the UI and UX design level and that shared their parts (controls/widgets/components/data) between each other, meaning that they are modular and connected. Those parts are being contained on the MauiKit project and being used on all the current Maui apps, such as Index, Pix, VVAVE, Buho and Cinema.

The idea is to not only share the UI components but also the information that each application has over the specific file types it manages, for that labor an initial work is being done on a shared tagging system.

Such shared tagging system allows the Maui apps to have access to part of the information contained on each individual application.

For example, VVAVE generates tons of tags around each music file, such as composer, producers, stats, artist info, etc.. with the shared tagging system such information can now be browsed and discovered through whatever other Maui app, such as Index, the file manager. Same happens with Pix and the tags added to albums or image files.

Index and Pix making use of Maui Shared Tagging system

With this shared tagging system there is the option of much more easily browsing your tagged phone files from your desktop, since Maui apps can be used on Android or Plasma Mobile. So the tags used on your phone can be accessed from your desktop and vice-versa.

There will be an integration between the user different devices running the Maui apps to sync and share the tags on local networks, and maybe in the future an online platform. (This should probably be discussed due to questions regarding privacy and such)

Maui Tagging system is now part of MauiKit and the plan is to work on an integration interface with KDE Baloo system on GNU Linux distributions, while keeping a simple working system on other platforms such as Android, IOS, Mac OSX, Windows, etc…

