Nitrux Weekly Summary — 14th-18th October 2019

Uri Adonay Herrera
Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2019

Hi, and welcome to this week’s weekly summary. This week’s recap is the third overall and the third for October 2019.

MauiKit Development

  • Fixed the issue of Index AppImage, not listing files and folders. It was due to KIO I/O slave plugins not being included in the AppImage.
  • We are working on automating the Maui AppImage generation.


  • Implemented the confirmation feature for potentially dangerous operations in znx.
  • znx passes another kernel parameter: znx_dev_uuid, which corresponds to the partition holding the image. This parameter enhances the reliability of the boot process.


  • Added a repository to use as a bug and feature request tracker for MauiKit and Maui Applications.
  • We have updated our ISO files to include the version of sudo not affected by (CVE-2019–14287).
  • We have created a Bountysource App Request as a means of users request applications that are not available as an AppImage and as a mean of funding Nitrux.
  • Improve our tooling for generating AppImages like copier and aw (AppImage wrapper).


  • Setup stable ISO delivery to use HTTP instead of Torrent for ease of use.



Uri Adonay Herrera
Editor for

I’m a Graphics Designer, Linux user and founder of Nitrux.