Nitrux Weekly Summary — 28th-31st October 2019

Uri Adonay Herrera
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2019

Hi, and welcome to this week’s weekly summary. This week’s recap is the fifth overall and the last for October 2019.

MauiKit Development

  • Added new components to follow the visuals we want: actiongroup, sidebaractions, toolbuttonmenu.
  • Moved away from kirigami.actionbar since they have some messy icon sizing going on there
  • Improved a lot the modelpathlist used in the pathbar and filebrowser miller columnview, so paths are not realoaded but only the needed ones.
  • VVave can now play remote sources like from webdav.
  • The file manager tools are now better integrated with kio.
  • Improved qmake steps to build and deploy for Android, although Nico from KDE did a fantastic job on allowing the do the same with cmake.
  • A lot of code clean up on VVave.
  • VVave better albums delegates and now again fetching artwork from online sources.
  • Make further usage of URL structures in index and vvave, to identify local from remote content.
  • Update Pix to work with the latest changes
  • Improvements on apps: not load components they are needed
  • We will be attending LAkademy in mid-November.
  • Filepreviewer can now preview documents like pdf thanks to Okular.
  • Add better grid and list item delegates.
  • Files are moved or copied with Index include the tags associated with the data.
  • Implemented KAccounts listing/adding/removing functionality.



  • Nitrux 1.2.2 is available on the 26th of October.
  • Reduce the boot time of Nitrux to an acceptable rate.


  • Organize the contents of our build scripts.
  • Working to improve maui-appimage-generator to build VVave AppImage.



Uri Adonay Herrera
Editor for

I’m a Graphics Designer, Linux user and founder of Nitrux.