Anarchy of Love….

NITTFEST Narratives
5 min readApr 6, 2023

Frustrated with finding yourself at the crossroads of love. Tired of waiting for the one and seeing all the others disappear away. These strange loops of love keep happening repeatedly with a never-ending pause.

“Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime”, well in reality what happens is “Love can touch us many times and lasts in our dreams”. Finding the one for yourself is a complicated process, only some are successful in running down those roads. While others like us, keep on running through every road and even fall into some potholes in the progress and in the end still never find the one.

“His eyes met mine,

My tears turned into smiles,

He made me love someone,

More than coffee”.

Love and Coffee

Growing up, I have always written these different types of romantic poems every time I run through one of the roads of love. Sometimes when I feel I have been running through the same path for a long time, another road caves in. Do the roads start questioning me from within if this is the path I really want to run towards? Yes, they do. What would be the consequences of me running down a road which would even end up in nowhere or leave me in a worse place than before? What if running through this road would end up with me having a relationship with the guy? But the road to finding the one is tumultuous and tiring, especially for a person who constantly gets confused with so many parallel roads. I fall in love, overthink it , ruin it, and then fall in love again. Whenever I fall for someone, my mind imagines four to five roads before me. One will lead me to my previous lover. The other one will make me cross paths with the first feelings of being in a relationship. The third one will make me take a circular path and go towards the first road again. The fourth one will lead me to the isle of forget and let go and then transport me back to the first checkpoint — the point which leads to the same four roads.

“Romeo, Take me somewhere I can be alone,

I love you, and that’s what I really know”.

In life, I and many others like me actually hope that we know we love the person whom we have a crush on. We question ourselves again if we love the person in front of us or if is it just the tender touch of infatuation. If being with the person gives us happiness or is it like that for a momentary time? The time it takes us to understand love and start walking in its direction is infinitely times more than the time it takes us to take a U-turn and run towards the road which would lead us farther and farther from it. Some of us are tuned to take a U-Turn and run from the roads of love. The brave ones are the ones who courageously walk towards it. Some walk through the smooth roads, some run in the madness of love, and others are stuck by the thorns. All these roads, though, have this weird connection to the final road of love. The road to bliss and happiness is, one way or the other, reached by all of us in our lifetime. We either create this road ourselves or get it carved for us.

Crossroads of love

‘Loving and Fighting,

Accusing and Denying,

I can’t imagine a world with you gone.”

Fighting ourselves at the crossroads, we imagine and ponder in an imaginary world with them there. We do not have one person in our life, so we definitely cannot relate to the majesty of music. But we can think about it the other way around. These imaginary roads stand ahead of us, and we are free to take any one of these roads. All these roads lead us to bliss and keep our minds insane with feelings of love. We grow mad on these roads, and there is no end to these roads. They will keep you keeping you insane and keep you going on loops. You grow mad thinking about them and do not act upon them but keep running on these roads. Falling in love hits you hard, but constantly falling in it and never acting on these feelings bruises you from within. They bruise you hard and leave never-ending scars of a love you never pursued.

Love hits you the most when you fall for the one you cannot have. Your stupid and naive heart falls for the one person that would ruin everything if you date them. Even if both of you have feelings for each other, your mind prevents you from not pursuing them. You are happy when they talk with you, you are happy with the little touches, and you live in bliss.

Bliss and Joy in the little touches

“Loving can heal,

Loving can mend your soul,

And it's the only thing that I know.”

This song has a way of soothing your heart, but what about when love can destroy your soul? Ed Sheeran explores one of the roads of love, but the worst part is left forgotten. One-sided love is so powerful that it destroys your soul. You end up waiting for the person to come for you and never seek solace in someone else. Your heart wants what it wants, and someone who destroys you from within. That is the only thing I know one-sided love frustrates you from the inside. It is like a never-ending craving that never reaches satisfaction. You keep eating and eating it, and it just keeps getting gobbled up.

The anarchy of love is something really complicated and totally outside our syllabus. Getting full marks means choosing the right roads to love and hoping they never cave in or trap you inside forever. All of us could find love on one of these roads and escape the disastrous roads. Time will tell which of us will be lucky and unlucky.

Until then, let’s enjoy whichever road we have taken and are currently walking.



NITTFEST Narratives

A passive overthinker, over enthusiastic — hyper active person, too much coffee makes me mad. Wanna help others with my personal stories.