Error: Lack of IP Address and How to Avoid it

Sujay P Pawar
Niveus Solutions
2 min readJul 17, 2024



Creating an ingress resource in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is essential for exposing your applications to the internet. However, you may encounter the “Lack of IP Address” error if the environment is not correctly configured or if there are insufficient resources. This guide will walk you through key steps to ensure your ingress resources are set up correctly and avoid this common issue.

1. Verify and Adjust Quotas

First, ensure that your Google Cloud project has adequate quotas for external IP addresses, load balancers, and backend services. Insufficient quotas can prevent the allocation of necessary resources for your ingress.

Check your quotas using the following commands:

gcloud compute project-info describe — project <YOUR_PROJECT_ID>

gcloud compute regions describe <YOUR_REGION>

2. Utilize Static IP Addresses

Reserving a static IP address helps prevent IP allocation inconsistencies and enhances reliability.

  1. Reserve a Static IP Address:

gcloud compute addresses create nginx-static-ip — global

2. Get the Reserved IP Address:

gcloud compute addresses describe nginx-static-ip — global

3. Annotate the Ingress Resource to Use the Static IP:


kind: Ingress


name: nginx-ingress

annotations: “gce” “nginx-static-ip”



- host: <YOUR_DOMAIN>



- path: /

pathType: Prefix



name: nginx-service


number: 80

Apply the ingress resource:

kubectl apply -f nginx-ingress.yaml

3. Validate Resource Annotations

Ensure that the annotations on both the ingress and service resources are accurate. The ingress must specify the GCE ingress class, and the service should reference the backend configuration if applicable.

4. Configure BackendConfig (if applicable)

If you require advanced load balancer features, define and apply the BackendConfig resource according to your specific needs.

5. Monitor Ingress Resource Events

Review the events associated with your ingress resource to identify potential issues or delays in IP address assignment.

kubectl describe ingress nginx-ingress

Look for events that might indicate problems with resource provisioning or quota limits.

6. Verify DNS Configuration

If using a domain name, ensure that your DNS settings accurately point to the IP address assigned to your ingress resource.

7. Ensure Adequate Cluster and Node Pool Resources

Verify that your GKE cluster and node pools possess sufficient resources to handle the load balancer and associated services effectively.

gcloud container clusters describe <YOUR_CLUSTER_NAME> — zone <YOUR_ZONE>


By following these steps, you can avoid the “Lack of IP Address” error in GKE ingress configurations. Proper resource management, correct annotations, and proactive monitoring are crucial to ensuring your ingress resources receive the necessary IP addresses, allowing your applications to be accessible to users.

