Terraform Best Practices

Venkatesh R
Niveus Solutions
2 min readApr 28, 2024


Do's and Don't for Rock-Solid Infrastructure Automation

Terraform is a powerful tool for infrastructure as code (IaC), but mastering its best practices ensures efficient, secure, and maintainable configurations. Here's a breakdown of the key do's and don'ts to elevate your Terraform game, along with a peek into the benefits of Terraform Enterprise.


Modularize your code: Break down your infrastructure into reusable modules for better organization and maintainability.

Embrace variables: Store configuration values as variables for flexibility and environment-specific deployments.

Leverage data sources: Utilize data sources to retrieve information about existing infrastructure, reducing redundancy.

Automate everything: Integrate Terraform with CI/CD pipelines for automated deployments and infrastructure changes.

Test your code: Implement unit tests to ensure your Terraform configurations function as expected.

Document, document, document: Clear and concise comments within your code are essential for understanding and future maintenance.

Use remote state: Store Terraform state in a remote backend like S3 or Consul for collaboration and disaster recovery.

Implement access controls: Enforce granular permissions to manage who can create, modify, and destroy infrastructure.


Hardcode sensitive information: Store secrets like passwords and API keys securely using a secrets management solution.

Write monolithic configurations: Large, complex configurations are difficult to manage and error-prone. Break them down!

Neglect infrastructure state: Terraform state tracks managed resources. Don't modify it manually; rely on Terraform commands.

Skip on security: Consider security implications throughout your infrastructure design and incorporate security best practices.

Ignore version control: Manage your Terraform code in a version control system (VCS) like Git for collaboration and rollback capabilities.

Terraform Enterprise: Supercharge your IaC

Terraform Enterprise offers additional features for large-scale infrastructure management:

Enhanced Collaboration: Centralized workspace management, role-based access control (RBAC), and audit logging for improved team workflows.

Enterprise-grade Security: Advanced security features like Sentinel policies for enforcing compliance and workflow approvals.

Improved Efficiency: Dependency management, state locking, and private module registries streamline complex infrastructure deployments.

By following these best practices and considering Terraform Enterprise for your specific needs, we can build robust, secure, and scalable infrastructure with Terraform.

Remember, well-written Terraform code is the foundation for consistent and reliable infrastructure management.



Venkatesh R
Niveus Solutions

Solution Architect | AWS - Azure - GCP | Terraform | DevOps | IAAS | Database & Caching | WCS |Mangement | 📃🎙️Creative Write