TRANSACTION in Database Management System

NiXiS Institute
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2019

What is transaction :-

  • Transactions we called all those transactions which are done in a process.
  • We can say that , A transaction is performed by a one user to use the content of any database.
  • It is a group of tasks , that the user will be perform .

Let’s take an Example :-

Suppose a teacher find the record of a student from school database .

It is also called as a transaction.


There are four properties of transaction. They are used to maintain the in sequence way , before and after the transaction ends.

Properties :-

1. Atomicity

2. Consistency

3. Isolation / Independence

4. Durability / Permanence :-


  1. We can say Atomicity is that, all the operations of the transaction take place at once . If not, it will be aborted the transaction .
  2. There is no way that the transaction will perform partially or midway .


  1. We can say Consistency is that, all the transaction follow in consistent state .
  2. The data will maintain in this way that database or transaction are consistent before transaction and after transaction


  1. All the transactions should be in isolated condition or state .
  2. Isolation guarantees that the progress of other transactions do not affect the outcome of that transactions .
  3. When we use X data in the transaction A to perform the transaction A, then that X data can’t accessed by any other transactions, until transaction A releases that data .


  1. When we change in the transaction it may permanently change in that transaction .
  2. Any system failure occurs , the change made in any data will never lost , due to Durability property of transaction .
  3. When the data is completed then they reaches the consistent state , and the data in the consistent state will not lost , even when a system failure .

