What is Java Server Page

lalita sahu
NiXiS Institute
Published in
1 min readFeb 15, 2020

It is a server side technology and used for creating web page application. It is use to creating dynamic web contain and also advance version servlets technology. We can say JSP is a file where we write Java code in html with .jsp extension.

There are 5 types of scripting elements in JSP as below

1. Declaration → Tag It is used to declare variable <%! int = 10; %>

2. Java Scriptels → It is allow us to add any number of JAVA code,variable and expression . <% java code %>

3. JSP expression → It convert the expression to string, It show the expression <% num1 = num1+ num2 %>

4. Java Comment → It contains the text that is added for information which has to ignored <% --JSP Comment %>

5. Directive → This contain a global information that is applicable on the web page.

thanks for reading…. :)

