NJ Spark
Published in
5 min readApr 21, 2020


Coronavirus Impacts Schools and Businesses Across The Country

Bergen Community College — Bergen County, New Jersey

Coronavirus, otherwise known as Covid-19, arrived in the United States in early January, 2020. Starting out in Wuhan, China, the virus spread across the globe like wildfire, ultimately making its way into the United States. On March 15, 2020, Covid-19 was declared a global pandemic by The World Health Organization. Many schools in the United States were preparing for a temporary shutdown which would have lasted two weeks to slow the spread of the virus. However, as each day progressed, the amount infected increased at a staggering rate. The spread of infection and deaths caused by Covid-19 resulted in indefinite school and business closures across the country.

With schools being shut down across the country, many people started to panic as they realized that this is now a serious matter. Panic buying caused grocery stores and big box stores across the country to run out of supplies, food, and essential cleaning products. Having to witness the bare shelves of stores makes you think how alarming this issue is becoming. Within a matter of weeks of schools closing many other businesses like malls, gyms, restaurants, etc. had to shut their doors to prevent the spread of the virus.

Empty Grocery Stores Across the US — ShopRite — North Brunswick, New Jersey

Colleges and Universities fare better in terms of transitioning everyone to remote class learning. However, due to the household backgrounds of some students, it can be a challenge to do remote learning without the required fundamentals, such as a working computer and internet access. This is not only a problem for college students, but many elementary school students have to deal with other factors such as not having a meal as schools were their only primary source of food for the day.

When schools were placed under the order to close, many school districts especially ones in lower income communities still provided meals during the week for children to gran and go. Many parents of these children are already facing a plateau of hardships that resulted in the pandemic.

Other problems that were noted include not having enough issued computers for students who do not have access to one at home. These computers are given by the public education system to help move physical instruction to remote learning and activities. Another factor to consider was whether or not some children have the luxury to have internet access to complete assignments or catch up on lectures. Many places with public Wifi access such as public libraries and coffee shops had to shut their doors as well to help slow the spread.

Those who live in more economically advantaged communities such as those middle-class suburban areas of New Jersey were at an advantage in transitioning smoothly. For example, I live in East Brunswick, New Jersey and I receive all township updates, given I am a resident of this town. When the school systems were temporarily closed, everyone was notified and had notices given to parents that online assignments were sent out to emails and student accounts were set-up through canvas so that they can learn remotely from home.

Parents line up to pick up chromebooks for students — New Jersey

When the order was issued that schools be closed indefinitely, those who needed computers to complete online tasks were given one. Those who lacked internet access were also given mobile hotspots to connect their laptops to at no cost to the children or parents. Those who received free or discounted lunch were also able to get grab and go lunches prepared each day by the school board.

Many of the surrounding restaurants who were also told to close for “dine-in only” service also gave out free meals to those in need with no questions asked. Many of these family operated businesses are struggling on their own as well. However, given the crisis we are living in now, many are giving out so much more than just a free meal. They are helping out the community and giving up so much of their own to help out those who are in need as well.

Small businesses and Restaurants Closing Across The United States

It is that during these times we find the light in humanity that we have seem to have lost in recent years as we have become so consumed in the fast paced world around us. As businesses are shut down, many small business owners are now struggling to put food on the table. Covid-19 not only impacted business owners and schools, but it has impacted the lives of every individual globally.

As the cases in the tri-state area surpasses over 364,437 at this time, the number of people being infected is still on the rise. In New Jersey alone, there are currently 92,387 positive cases with 4,753 deaths. These numbers change daily and have been increasing since. As the spread of the coronavirus continues to grow, everyone must do their part as well. The best thing we can do right now in the light of things is to stay positive. Nothing lasts forever and we will make it through this, but we all must cooperate and do our part to defeat the invisible enemy.

Coronavirus Testing Site — Holmdel, New Jersey

We should also acknowledge those on the front lines of this pandemic and be grateful and thankful to all the volunteers, nurses, doctors, grocery workers, public sanitation workers, and every single essential worker who is holding this world up together. They are putting their lives at risk for others right now and we must respect them and follow the rules to stop the spread and flatten the curve. In the meantime, be well, stay healthy, and stay safe.

