Cosmetic brands’ usage of toxic chemicals in some of your favorite products

Lili Shmaruk
4 min readApr 20, 2022



A lot of people are buying products aimlessly and do not know the ingredients they are putting on their body. Brands are incorporating harmful ingredients in their products when it can be avoided. Trust me, I understand the whole point of running in and out of the store to get what you need, but it is worth taking the time to research so you can read labels more carefully before putting a toxic chemical onto your body.

The toxic chemicals going onto your skin into your bloodstream and how it’s affecting you

PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a class of about 9,000 compounds used to make products such as food packaging, clothing and carpeting water and stain resistant. They are often dubbed ‘forever chemicals’ because they do not naturally break down and have been found to accumulate in humans,” The Guardian says.

Many “forever chemicals” are found in our everyday products.

Next time you get acrylic nails, remember that acrylates are found in artificial nail products. Ethyl acrylate is the adhesive used to apply not just nails, but also eyelashes. The acrylates are derived from acrylic acids and can increase chances of cancer, developmental and reproductive toxicity, organ system toxicity, cellular and neurological damage and irritation to the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. Try to avoid using artificial nails unless you know that they do not contain acrylates. Safety masks and protective gloves are definitely something to consider when getting acrylic nails. Also, nail technicians should use ventilated manicure tables.

When applying your day-to-day moisturizers, lotions, hair products, sunscreen, and more, it is important to keep in mind that the chemical polyacrylamide may be present in the list of ingredients used. Polyacrylamide is used as a stabilizer and binder in the formulas of our products that we look to for hydration. This chemical has the ability to break down into acrylamide, which is a carcinogen. These can threaten reproduction and developmental processes. To add, polyacrylamide is present in the construction of dams, tunnels and sewers. It also is present in cigarette smoke and I can assure that you probably do not want that going on your skin into your body.

We have all heard of preservatives one way or another. Whether it is in food to maintain shelf life at supermarkets, or what we are addressing specifically, the cosmetic industry. Preservatives are often found in numerous hair products, lipstick, facial and shower cleansers, anti-aging products, and baby shampoo. Even babies are exposed to this chemical. These chemicals are used in cosmetics to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and mold. So any old makeup that you are still using from years ago thinking it is still “good to use” is most likely because of these preservatives that are maintaining its shelf life just like some of the food in supermarkets. Ironically, while these preservatives are in anti-aging products, it does the reverse of what you would expect. The product instead causes skin to reject the unnatural chemicals, which can further promote skin problems from acne to aging. Avoid products that contain parabens and formaldehydes as they are a form of preservatives. Cancer, endocrine disruption, reproductive toxicity, developmental toxicity, and irritation are some of the many health concerns to be aware of.

Why cosmetic brands are using toxic chemicals

Some companies are knowledgeable of what ingredients they are using but still do not put in all the ingredients on the label. When things say “waterproof” or “long-lasting” that is an indicator that there is some chemical that has some doing with making the cosmetic have these features. This is also the sole purpose as to why PFAs are used in cosmetics, so it spreads easier and is more durable. Companies may not be aware of the damaging effects of these chemicals because they are striving for something more functional for consumers without paying attention to the ingredients. This is when the government needs to step in and regulate what certain brands are putting into their products. With every intention to pamper ourselves, put pretty makeup on, fix our hair so it looks nice, or just to hydrate our skin with moisturizer, we are absorbing chemicals through our pores.

The Guardian says, “The products that most frequently contain high levels of fluorine include waterproof mascara (82% of brands tested), foundations (63%) and liquid lipstick (62%).”

A majority of cosmetics have the ingredients mentioned above, so it is important to be cautious and read labels carefully.

All natural ingredients to be on the lookout for

It is hard to avoid these harmful chemicals when a lot of what we consume is linked to one thing or another, but we can make the effort to eliminate these chemicals from our everyday routines as much as possible. By doing so, we can look at products that are all natural. For instance, True Botanicals is a great brand and also has an inspiring backstory. The founder of True Botanicals, Hillary Peterson, was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. This was her “wake up call” to really pay attention to what it was that she was absorbing into her body. She was just as shocked that there weren’t stricter regulations regarding toxins in beauty products. So, she went on to create a skincare brand that is clean, sustainable, and rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids.

