Mental Health and Wellness of College Students

Devin G
NJ Spark
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2022

The mental health and wellness of college students is a growing concern circling the nation. A multitude of students and faculty have reported significant psychological problems within the past decade, and an increased amount Post Covid. The American Psychological Association reports that the A.U.C.C.C.D (Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors has found jarring statistic, which states:

  • The number of students suffering from psychological problems has increased within the past year
  • Anxiety is the top presenting concern among college students, and about 42% of students suffer from it, followed by depression with 36.4 % and relationship problems with 35.8%
  • And about 25% of students were taking some form of psychotropic medications

These problems at hand affect students in multiple areas of their lives. It affects how they perceive their quality of life, relationships with their loved ones, and even their physical health.

College is supposed to be some of the best and most transformative years of your life. But with rates such as this only increasing, students are becoming fearful, stressed, and worrisome during this time. With the pressure of succeeding, and paying off student debt, while still trying to maintain some form of social life, students nowadays are finding themselves lost within the circus of college life, and it is taking a toll on them. And to cope there has been heightened use of substances, in fact, Mayo Clinic Health Systems reports that:

  • Nearly two-thirds of students have developed substance abuse problems

This is an issue that needs to be tackled head-on and taken seriously. Most students feel unheard and don’t even seek help. There is a harsh amount of disassociation going on in student bodies. And when that happens the separation increases, and it becomes more difficult to bridge the gap to help solve this issue. There needs to be an increase in conversations being had, and these issues need to lessen. There need to be more mental health programs available at schools, and if there are already, they need to become more publicized to the student body.

Mental Health Minute: College Students & Covid Anxiety — YouTube

And if given the proper precaution and support we’ll be able to eradicate the stigma of mental wellness and health in college students

