Volunteering Wisely

Peter A Lopez
NJ Spark
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2017

There has been a trend of college students volunteering abroad and helping out children in other countries. While this is great, and we all know that their hearts are in the right places, there should be a move towards helping out your local community to help out globally. This is not as simple as it sounds, but it’s not impossible either.

Orphanages around the world are being treated like businesses instead of homes. It has become profitable for these establishments to keep children in their facilities rather than move forward and help the children transition into a better home. This is true even in the United States, and it’s part of the reason why college students (and everyone, really) should consider giving a helping hand locally. These children are stuck in the same place competing for attention and care from the workers there. I think that it is disheartening to go to another country and volunteer there while touring, only to leave the child in a week or two after they have likely grown attached to your care. While I don’t think that no one should ever volunteer abroad, it is very important to remind yourself that you want to do more good than harm.

Another reason that we should volunteer wisely is to reach out to community leaders and figure out exactly what needs to be done and how to do it. This is different than going to another country and assuming what they need you to do and trying to help them in your own way. A lot of foundations are based here in the United States, and it has been shown time and time again that perhaps your time and money isn’t going directly to the cause. In a time where the world is breaking down, it is important now more than ever to research what you do before you do it. The Lumos Foundation is one that does not have one set initiative, but instead contacts local charities in different countries in order to provide them the funds to do the work they need to get done.

This is a tough topic because I do not think that help comes from a bitter place, of course, but by volunteering wisely I think it will better improve the world around us. If we focus on orphanages again, ask yourself why do all these children need to be in an orphanage? More than 90% of children in orphanages are not orphans, but in fact do have living family members who could care for them… but only if they got the right support to do so. That is where you come in. Volunteer wisely and spread the word about it. Don’t donate to institutions who make profit off of the tragedy, but instead to those you do thorough research of. Your time is extremely valuable as well, so make sure you don’t waste any of it and potentially harm a child further instead of helping them.

The Lumos Foundation is based in London but has offices in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Moldova, and the United States of America. Rowling states that “Lumos’ ambition is by 2050 we will have ended institutionalization globally. First we need to put into place different systems of care… if we redirect the funds put into institutions it enables better systems of care. What we do with Lumos is work with people in the country who are already trying to change these systems.”

The problem is a lot larger than any of us, but majority of these harmful institutions can only operate if we allow them to. The Lumos Foundation is one of many organizations that takes 100% of donations and takes it right where you expected it: the people in need. Whether you donate, volunteer, or just spread the word about any issue you care about, remember to do your research and volunteer wisely in order to volunteer effectively.



Peter A Lopez
NJ Spark
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Writer of books. Keeper of seasons. Lover of crowns. Follow me @PeterxLopez