Gems Earned In 2018

Nelson J.L Gedeon
NJLG Sr. Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 12, 2019
Twin Peaks San Fransico June 2018

2018 was filled with moments of pure happiness & love, rejection, realizations, confrontation and ultimately truth. I would have it no other way to be honest and as I work my way closer to a truly free life I am sure each year will continue to be filled with all kinds of moments. What I have come to realize is that only the truth matters at the end of the day and the only way to come to that truth is to keep letting my inner light guide me. Sticking with the tradition that I started last year I want to share some key truths or “Gems” 💎 that I earned in 2018. I say earned because in life you are never given anything of true value, it must be earned by going out and seeking truth.

Communicate Your Truths: We all have unique truths, passions and dreams. In order to build on those we must share them with the world. Pick the best form of communication wether it be writing, speaking, acting, coding, sports or whatever and spread it.

Trust You Play A Role In The Universe: Our purpose & role will morph as time goes along. So we must have faith that we are focused on the role the universe has in store for us right now. I sometimes get distracted with asking am I working on something meaningful. Understanding this concept and having faith ensures me that this is what I’m creating now, I will get to other things when the time is right.

Power In Creating Options For Yourself: Don’t lose sight of the effort, time and work you put into your craft. You have built habits that will create opportunities for you in due time.

Constant Flow > Happiness: Happiness comes and goes so it can’t be the objective. We must come into every situation full & free so that we can remain constant and focused during all times. That is true satisfaction.

Seek Truth: Don’t be naive to truth. Embrace it and then build with a lens based in truth so that your focus is pure.

Stay Down Until You Come Up: Be patient and diligent in perfecting your craft and staying the course until the universe brings to fruition what is destined for you.

Know & Accept Yourself To Grow: Dig deep until you have stripped away what the outside world is telling you are. By finding your true self then you can tap into your limitless power that was always there.

Let It Come Together: Spend your days planting the seeds of your dreams and watering them daily. The seeds need time, nurturing and care in order to grow into realities. Give your seeds time to grow.

It’s Happening For You Not To You: Every challenge presents an opportunity to learn, grow and to get wiser & stronger. Look at it as a chance to get closer to your goal instead of something stacked against you. Find the lesson and adapt.

Block Out The Noise: The outside world and your inner critic have a lot to say. But that’s all it is, just talk. It means nothing and is only a distraction from your true purpose. Deep down you already know what you need to do.

Take It Light But Take It: Life is an assembly line of happy & sad moments. In order to reach our full potential we must be aware of these ups and downs and learn to take them in stride. Don’t get too high, don’t get too low and always keep moving forward.

We All Have Different Super Powers: Don’t over look your super power because it’s not one that can be captured in an Instagram post or caption. Remain aware of your capabilities and how they propel you along your journey.

We should all appreciate the lessons we learned in 2018 and look forward to new adventures in 2019!



Nelson J.L Gedeon
NJLG Sr. Blog

Betty’s Boy | CEO @JetSole 👕👟 & @ScenePort ✈️ 🌎| Creator @BackOnRoadInc 🗞🎙 | Godly Gutta Genius 🙏🏾🦁🧠