How to Choose the Best Digital Marketing Tactics for Your Business

Gina Ruccione
NK Agency
Published in
3 min readJun 21, 2019

I’ll give you a hint — if you’re not not using social media to increase awareness and build social proof, you’ve missed the boat completely.

  1. Understand the platforms.

Whether you are using Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest, it’s paramount to understand how these platforms work and who is using them. Also, all platforms serve different functions and your brand’s current friends and followers don’t necessarily want to consume the same information across all platforms.

Twitter — short, sweet to the point. Consider these followers to be your focus group. Instagram is great way to communicate consistently the brand message through both captions and creative content. Facebook — well, it should be less about individuals unleashing their own diatribes, but that can’t be helped. If you are a brand — leverage Facebook to communicate with a slightly older demographic (not millennials) and run targeted ads.

2. Use Instagram stories.

As the Director of Marketing for NK Agency, a social media marketing and creative agency based in Los Angeles, we noticed a shift in attention more towards stories and less towards scrolling though feeds.

This can be attributed to a couple things. Instagram stories allow brands to peel back the curtain and share what’s really going on. These posts fell less contrived and much more engaging. Remember — your Instagram feed needs to communicate the same message consistently and in an organized way that is visually compelling. The stories allow for freedom and a bit more fun.

3. Talk like a human.

Oh, I can’t stress this enough — this drives me nuts. Whether it’s a caption posted on a social media platform, a marketing email, or a digital ad — please, please, please — speak like a human. Your current and potential customers are humans. They have feelings and emotions. Your brand needs to speak with feelings and emotions. If you’re having trouble converting clicks to customers, you’re either being over looked or not communicating in an effective way.

4. Make meaningful connections.

Social media gives you an opportunity to actually connect with your customers, fans and followers — it literally gives you the means to message and engage back and forth 24 hours a day. If you are not making connections and cultivating these relationships, you’re missing the point completely.

Whether you have 500 followers or 5000 followers, you are sitting on warm leads, who have chosen to follow you and your brand because they like you. If that isn’t a sales funnel, I don’t know what is.

5. Decide who you are and stick to it.

Some new businesses seem to struggle with this. Figure out what your current value proposition is and stick with it. Don’t worry about what other brands are doing, you started a business because you had an idea — tell us why. If you don’t know why, you have a problem.

I can think of several current clients right now who vacillate between brand messaging. This needs to be very clear out of the gate. When brand messaging isn’t clear from the beginning, your fans and followers can sense that and you’ll lose them.

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Gina Ruccione
NK Agency

Oh, hey there — folks! I’m the Director of Marketing for NK Agency, an avid story-teller, the host of a very cool podcast called @aseriesofunfortunatedates