
New Kind
New Kind Culture Book
3 min readJan 23, 2017

We want a definition of norms and habits around the New Kind way of working where people feel informed of the shared expectations and energized when they’re in the office.


What are the agreed perspectives we hold for scheduling?

Each person has a different way of working so we need a common ground. We all must lead by example. Instill confidence in one another to decide your personal schedule of how to produce your best, creative work.


What habits nurture how we schedule?


Take charge of your time and clearly block when you’re available on your calendar and when you need focused work time

We use a shared calendar system. Start by clearly blocking when you need focused work time on your calendar. Anytime left blank means you’re available for meetings or larger discussions.

10–5 availability to be scheduled and in the office

You have a huge deadline in a few days and need heads down time. Clearly block time that you need to work on it.

You have a dentist appointment mid-day. Great you’re taking care of teeth, just mark it on your calendar with enough time to get there and back. Everyone knows you’re not available at that time.


Quick in-person huddles — keep to a focused minimum

Set up a recurring time that your team can check in. If you need to have a quick nonscheduled huddle use slack to make sure the other person is at a good stopping point.

Get out of the office to have a meeting

Walk and talks are a great way to have a meeting or discussion; they help clear your head and can give you a new sense of energy when you return to the office.


If you need to work from home, stay connected

Communication is key. If you need to work from home stay connected with collaborative tools like slack, phone, or video.

Waiting for the plumber to show up at your house? Send out a slack to the team to let them know in an emergency.

IKEA delivery scheduled with an 8–12 window. Make sure to mark it on your calendar and let the team know.

Collaborative sessions and sprints should be conducted in-person

These are scheduled meetings. Make sure you are in the office or clear with the team if you have an emergency.

Taking regular time off is encouraged

Summer Fridays—Work with your Summer Friday buddy to make sure we can be responsive to our clients.

Scheduling PTO—let Elizabeth know so we can check the calendar prior to purchasing tickets. She will let you know asap.

Help your coworkers enjoy their time off by asking what you can take off their plate when they’re out

We all know that you sometimes have to cram in a week into 3 days so that you can take 2 days off. Ask the vacationer what you can help with and lessen the load and what you can cover for them. And if you’re the one going on vacation make sure you have handed off your projects and that EVERYTHING is on dropbox.


How can we better understand time coordination and protected space?



New Kind
New Kind Culture Book

Building market share for tech companies in an open source world. New Kind is a branding and marketing agency that helps companies grow from the inside out.