NKN Bi-weekly Report Oct 15 — Nov 1, 2019

Published in
5 min readNov 6, 2019


  • Introducing D-Chat: A server-less, secure and private chat for individuals and groups
  • 1-click images on Google, Amazon and DigitalOcean updated to mainnet v1.1.1
  • 500,000 NKN Special community award for nknx
  • Blockchain Tech Talk at Tsinghua University
  • New AMAs with Binance Malaysia and Thailand Communities
  • Binance AMA Highlights Published
  • NKN Inspired Graphics
  • New NKNxVault community desktop wallet

Mainnet technical development updates

Latest Mainnet Stats November 1st, 2019:

  • 🌐 48 countries
  • 🏭 253 ISPs or cloud providers
  • 💻 21,871 full consensus nodes

NKN mainnet code development progress over the last two weeks is mainly reflected in tuna, nkn-shell-daemon, documentations, ncdn-server, ncdn-web, ncdn-management, ncdn-queue, ncdn-api, ncdn-official-website, and docker-swarm repositories and different branches.

  • Pull Request: 34
  • Commits: 80

The latest stable release for mainnet is v1.1.1-beta

(https://github.com/nknorg/nkn/releases )

NKN releases new Mainnet v1.1.1-beta

  • [BETA] Chain DB size reduction. There is now an option to enable state pruning that can greatly reduce ChainDB size by removing unused states. This feature is currently in Beta and not enabled by default. You can enable it by setting StatePruningMode to “lowmem” in config.json, or start nknd with — pruning lowmem argument.
  • Implement random sampling neighbors in voting and gossip
  • Add block verification when syncing and persisting blocks
  • Implement multicast and compression protocol
  • Fix the bug that nanopay txn not in txpool gets removed
  • Fix the bug that nknc return code is not correct

Introducing D-Chat: A server-less, secure and private chat for individuals and groups

While you may have heard of D-Chat before, the new article, “Introducing D-Chat: A server-less, secure and private chat for individuals and groups” offers a comprehensive introduction to the NKN based messaging application and many of its unique features.

D-Chat is one of the highlights of NKN consumer applications, developed by community developer Lynn. It utilizes and showcases a wide spectrum of NKN’s platform products and SDKs, including:

  • NKN’s decentralized PubSub service to deliver group messages
  • Multi-client SDK to optimize the speed and latency of delivery
  • secure end to end encryption to enable private chat called Whisper.

D-Chat is available as a plugin on popular web browsers such as Chrome and Firefox.

1-click images on Google, Amazon and DigitalOcean updated to mainnet v1.1.1

On Oct 22nd, the NKN 1-click images available on AWS, Google Cloud, and DigitalOcean were updated to mainnet software v1.1.1 with pruned blockchain database. This version will not only update your NKN node to the latest version, but also save you a lot of disk space: from over 20GB to about 10GB.

500,000 NKN Special community award for nknx

October 19th, the NKN Foundation announced a Special Community Award of 500,000 NKN to the nknx.org community project in order to honor the dedication, quality, and long term contribution of the nknx.org team. Nknx brings together a NKN blockchain browser, wallet, and network system monitor all in one convenient tool and is much loved by the community. Thanks to Christian Busch (ChrisT), Andrew, and the entire team at nknx for your well deserved achievement.

Blockchain Tech Talk at Tsinghua University

On Oct 22nd, NKN founders Yanbo Li and Yilun Zhang gave a technical talk to students and researchers at the prestigious Tsinghua University in Beijing. The presentation covered both NKN’s core technology including MOCA consensus and P2P networking (nnet) as well as key applications.

New AMAs with Binance Malaysia and Thailand Communities

On October 29th, the NKN core team conducted two back-to-back AMAs with Binance Malaysia and Thailand communities. As part of the events, NKN also distributed token rewards to select participants in our Quiz and Q&A segments. Congratulations to all of the winners and thanks to the Binance angels for organizing the events!

Binance AMA Highlights Published

The NKN Core team participated in 12 Binance Community AMAs in October. The AMAs addressed binance community groups from all over the world, including English, Chinese, Russian/Ukrainian, Turkish, Vietnamese, Indonesia, and India groups as well as Thailand and Malaysia. We compiled the best questions from these AMAs and published our answers in the article, “NKN AMA Q&A Highlights” available on the NKN forum.

Community contributions

NKN Inspired Graphics

Thanks to community member Tom, for his NKN inspired graphics! Share and enjoy!

New NKNxVault community desktop wallet

Congratulations to the community developer team at nknX for launching their sleek new desktop wallet with support for NKN Mainnet tokens. Currently Windows, Mac OS, and Linux operating systems are supported.

About NKN

NKN is the new kind of P2P network connectivity protocol & ecosystem powered by a novel public blockchain. We use economic incentives to motivate Internet users to share network connection and utilize unused bandwidth. NKN’s open, efficient, and robust networking infrastructure enables application developers to build the decentralized Internet so everyone can enjoy secure, low cost, and universally accessible connectivity.

Home: https://nkn.org/
Email: contact@nkn.org
Telegram: https://t.me/nknorg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NKN_ORG
Forum: https://forum.nkn.org
Medium: https://medium.com/nknetwork
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nknetwork/
Github: https://github.com/nknorg
Discord: https://discord.gg/yVCWmkC
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/NKNORG



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A Cellular Automata powered, decentralized data relay network built on Blockchain & incentivized by native token.