NKN Monthly Report: July 2023

Published in
4 min readAug 1, 2023
NKN Monthly Report July 2023
NKN Monthly Report July 2023


  • NKN Mid-Year AMA with the founding team on Twitter Space
  • Launching NKN Universal Communication Service (UCS) | A new communication infra that is about to revolutionize our lives
  • NKN Resolver | Powering off-chain communication for ETH/ENS address and any web2/web3 identities
  • NKN Naver Official blog page online for Korean Community

Mainnet Status

Latest Mainnet Stats July 31st, 2023:

  • 💻 101,384 full consensus nodes
  • 🌐 48 countries & regions
  • 📦 12,044,013,664 relays per hour
  • ⛓ 5,642,624 block height

The latest stable release for mainnet is v2.2.0


NKN Mid-Year AMA with the founding team on Twitter Space

On Thursday 20th of July 2023, we held our Mid-Year AMA with the founding team on Twitter Space. NKN Co-founders Bruce Li and Yilun Zhang met with our community members online and presented our progress in the past half year as well as our plans for the future.

Tech progression, product updates, marketing new initiatives, upcoming events, and future plans are all covered in this AMA, and our co-founders both shared thoughts on recent trends in the industry. Live and pre-collected community questions are also answered at the end of the session, ranging from developing support to the launch of Nolaris, our sister project that intends to build out new infrastructure with satellite internet.

If you missed the live AMA on our official Twitter, please find the highlights below:


And make sure to follow us on @NKN_ORG, so you won’t miss the next meet-up with our founding team!

Launching NKN Universal Communication Service (UCS) | A new communication infra that is about to revolutionize our lives

This month, we have launched NKN Universal Communication Service (UCS), a next-generation decentralized communication protocol designed to bridge the gap between the traditional Web 2 services and an opening era of Web 3 applications.

The smooth and borderless compatibility of NKN Universal Communication is the essential key to achieving modern communication, offering a secure and decentralized communication platform.

For more information about how our UCS is imperative to our daily lives, please read:


NKN Resolver | Powering off-chain communication for ETH/ENS address and any web2/web3 identities

Ayo! To all Web 3 developers, especially if you are on Ethereum and EVM compatible chains, please let us introduce the NKN Resolvers, powering off-chain communication for ETH/ENS addresses and any Web 2/Web 3 identities. You can now use NKN as your off-chain communication stack, sending messages, files, and A/V streams over 100Tbps total bandwidth.

With this newest plug-in in NKN SDK, we are saying YES to all these questions from developers:

  1. Can we use NKN to enable real-time communication between two Ethereum addresses?
  2. Can we use NKN to communicate between different blockchain addresses, like Ethereum to Bitcoin?
  3. Can we use NKN to communicate between Web 2 addresses and Web 3 addresses?

For technical details focusing on developers, please read:


Read here for general information about NKN’s Universal Communication Service:


NKN Naver Official blog page online for Korean Community

NKN Naver Blog

As our team had promised earlier this year, NKN is establishing itself in Korea by joining Naver Portals in Korea.

Supported by our talented local writers and followers, we’re expecting to welcome more Korean members into our community! And we’re excited to meet all of you at Korean Blockchain Week very soon in September!



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