NKN Roadmap 2024–2028

Published in
4 min readDec 18, 2023

What we have accomplished

During the so-called crypto winter, the NKN team has been working harder than ever, delivering some of our most impactful products and solutions. For example:

  • Launched Universal Communication Service that enables any dApp on Ethereum and compatible blockchains to utilize NKN as the common data communication network
  • Continued improving Mainnet, introduced features such as client verification, message caching, transaction pool syncing.
  • Made nConnect ready for teams to manage and connect to multiple nodes, featuring significant updates such as private group network mode and UDP tunneling.
  • Revamped our nMobile chat app to enable better private groups, chatGPT integration, robust notification, image and audio message, and overall better performance.
  • Incubated and supported the launch of several significant dApps in NKN Ecosystem: Nolaris for satellite Internet solution, Clink the new kind of Social Network, nRide for ride-hauling, and nPool for predictable NKN mining.
  • Expanded our community and marketing outreach during ETHDenver, Web 3 Summit Hong Kong, Korea Blockchain Week, and more.

Build universal communication ecosystem

In the next few years, NKN aspires to build the most vibrant ecosystem surrounding NKN’s Universal Communication Service (UCS). Like TCP/IP for Web 2.0, NKN’s UCS can be the de-facto communication protocol for all Web 3.0 and Web 2.0 applications.

  • Interoperability and composability with wider web 3.0 industry: UCS already supports Ethereum compatible L1 and L2 chains, and will expand support for all major blockchain as well as Web 2.0 platforms. NKN will become an essential part of Web 3.0 developer’s toolkit.
  • Empower developers by enhancing NKN SDK, documentation, and toolchain. In addition, we will increase ecosystem grants and developer community support.
  • Storage and compute: we will explore these adjacent areas, either natively or through partnership, to best empower the all-in-one needs of future applications.

As one example, NKN intends to dive deeper into the social networking domain: to power the next generation of everything super apps beyond X/Twitter and WeChat. Web 3.0 token mechanism and creator economy benefit from each other. Creators and users will all be incentivized to expand the social circles, create unique and engaging contents, and realize the financial reward proportional to their contribution.

Expand Network from earth to stars

NKN has built the largest decentralized data communications network (part of DePIN) since our mainnet launch in 2019, with up to 180,000 communication servers running in 60 countries and regions. In 2023 alone, the NKN network has transported over 27 trillion data packets, a staggering statistic.

But we have always said we are aiming higher: we envision a network of billion nodes that can truly envelope the entire globe and serve everyone. NKN intends to build brand new communication infrastructure as a natural expansion of the existing NKN overlay network, not only to supplement the existing fixed and wireless networks for under-served markets, but also to provide coverage to markets without Internet today.

We are starting with Starlink, to introduce a new kind of access solution for satellite Internet that is anchored on Web 3.0 economics and mining. We are working with satellite modem and router companies to embed NKN solutions in a customer friendly package. We will further explore collaboration opportunities with other satellite Internet solutions providers such as OneWeb and Project Kuiper.

NKN will innovate on economic models to enable NKN-centered family of tokens for governance, staking, and mining for satellite Internet services. And in the future, we will explore WiFi and Cellular access over the expanded NKN network to spur mass adoption,

Grow together — you and me

We cannot build all of these without you. So we sincerely invite you to join us for probably the most wonderful journey with NKN, from 2024 and beyond!



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A Cellular Automata powered, decentralized data relay network built on Blockchain & incentivized by native token.