Uncovering the invisible | NKN Universal Communication

Published in
4 min readJul 28, 2023

A New Era of Communication Infrastructure that is reshaping our lives

Uncovering the invisible: NKN Universal Communication Service
Uncovering the invisible: NKN Universal Communication Service

Unsung heroes of innovation

Today, we interact with technology every single day, surrounded by gadgets that make our life easier, more convenient, enjoyable, productive, and efficient. From traffic control systems to the Internet, to artificial intelligence, it’s hard to find something that isn’t touched by science, technology, and engineering advancements.

Though we benefit from the capabilities of technology daily, have you ever wondered about the brilliant minds, algorithms, and inventions behind them?

Well, there is indeed so much more than meets the eye, many other technologies are working silently behind the scenes to make our lives easier and they usually go by the general name “infrastructures”.

An Indispensable Infrastructure for Future Communication

The modern age is demanding more from communication networks than ever before: speed, security, and ease of use are all high on the agenda. And of course compatibility, with both Web 2 and Web 3 since we are still at the very early days of this mighty sea change.

Finding such a network that ticks all these boxes could be quite a difficult task. Thankfully, the advent of NKN has come to change the game, introducing our new standard of communication network: The NKN Universal Communication Service.

What makes NKN Universal Communication Service Imperative?

Despite the rapid evolution of Web 3, we are still highly dependent on Web 2 products/services for daily uses, and therefore isolation between these two paradigms has become a crucial sore point for all of us.

Web 3 is built on a different concept and system. Our generation might be familiar with using Web 3 Apps, but what if our friends or elders from our families do not? Imagine how much trouble and headache will it bring to both you and your grandparents if you are trying to set up a Web 3 messaging App for them and ask them to text or call you through this specific medium.

What if someone can make the interoperability of communication between Web 2 and Web 3 apps just happen? No matter what Web 2 apps the other side is using, iMessage, Line, KakaoTalk, WeChat, or anything they feel like, you can easily send a message to them through your preferred Web 3 App. Browsing through your digital assets, using your DID to “boast” about your earnings with your uncle on iMessage, no switching pages or dialog boxes, ain’t that super convenient and cool.

That is what NKN Universal Communication Service is all about. It is potentially made to bolster the whole communication side of Web 3 and the future Internet, bridging the existing Web 2 to Web 3 products in the blink of an eye.

No more switching from apps just to contact different people, and no more filling up your storage and downloading all kinds of apps. With NKN’s Universal Communication Service applied as infrastructure, everyone’s free to keep using their favorite apps, and communication runs free and wild, breaking boundaries between Web 2 and Web 3.

Ticking all the boxes on your wishlist

Yes, NKN universal communication service serves as a bridge between Web 3 and Web 2 without pain, but that is not all why it is the ultimate go-to solution for all projects, firms, crypto exchanges, and blockchain explorers requiring a communication network to transfer files, voices, texts, images, and videos.

Universal Communication Service is built totally on NKN’s unique blockchain network, therefore it covers all the advantages indispensable for a communication infrastructure:

In a world where data is readily available and exchanged, privacy and security are essential. NKN universal communication leads the charge in this regard with our best-in-class encryption, secure data transmission, and robust security measures. This ensures that data remains confidential and stays safe from malicious attacks and hackers.

Furthermore, its real-time communication guarantees low latency and high throughput making it suitable for instant conversations and large file transmissions.

Now for developers and teams, the wide compatibility of NKN universal communication allows easy migration and integration to any existing systems, protocols, and networks ranging from Web 2 to Web 3. Allowing systems to interconnect in a secure, fast, and reliable manner. This ensures existing data is safe, secure, and local while taking advantage of the platform’s new capabilities. Efficiencies in workload, time, and budget are guaranteed.

A savior under a hat as you might call it, or just humbly the indispensable infrastructure for future communications.

An Ode to Modern Communication

The whole meaning of us diving into the development of technology is to make life easier and better for everyone. It is never to be solely superficial and merely obsessed with breaking the old rules and demolishing the very things that still serve to support our daily lives.

With NKN Universal Communication Service, borderless communication is presented. A bridge is built between Web 2 and Web 3, without you even noticing.

No need to sacrifice your friends lists anymore when you are switching to a Web 3 application, you can access and contact them just like before. And there will be no walls for those who still feel safer with their Web 2 communication apps to keep their usual practices while stepping into the new communication era before even realizing it.

Compatibility is the essential key to achieving modern communication, and NKN Universal Communication Service is the indispensable infrastructure that will truly serve and benefit everyone with no threshold or boundaries.



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