Web 3.0 Tech Talk 2021: Apps & Devs

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4 min readApr 19, 2021
Web 3.0 Tech Talk 2021: Apps & Devs
Web 3.0 Tech Talk 2021: Apps & Devs

This webinar will focus on building modern applications that leverage web 3.0 technology and decentralized infrastructure. We have a strong speaker lineup consisting of CTO/Tech Lead from: Bluzelle, IoTeX, IPFS, NKN, Storj, and Taxa.

Included will be an Introduction and short overview of the state of web 3.0 infrastructure and applications runs on them, followed by 6 featured speakers (10 min/each) sharing their experience in building apps on their products and solutions. The remaining time will be opened up for questions by the audience or pre-submitted online before the event.

You might also want to check out the recap of last year’s inaugural event “Web 3.0 Tech Talk: the power of Off-Chain”.

Date and time

Date: April 27th, 2021, Tuesday

Time: 9AM San Francisco

(16:00 GMT; 00:00 midnight Beijing)

Please register on Zoom webinar and mark your calendar today!

Streaming platforms

Submit your questions beforehand:



  • Introduction — 9:00–9:05am (5min) Bruce | NKN
  • Speaker 1–9:05–9:15am (10min) Neeraj | Bluzelle
  • Speaker 2–9:15–9:25am (10min) IoTex | Raullen
  • Speaker 3–9:25–9:35am (10min) Dietrich | IPFS
  • Speaker 4–9:35–9:45am (10min) Yilun | NKN
  • Speaker 5–9:45–9:55am (10min) Kevin | Storj
  • Speaker 6–9:55–10:05am (10 min) TF | Taxa
  • Q&A Panel — 10:05–10:25am (20min) (Prepared + Audience Generated)

Speaker bio (Alphabetically according to project name):

Bluzelle: Neeraj Murarka is a scientist and technology entrepreneur. His specializations are in decentralized trustless computer systems, cryptocurrencies, blockchains, network security, and computer systems architecture. Neeraj is the CTO and co-founder of Bluzelle Networks. Bluzelle builds blockchain ledger, decentralized, and trustless computing software solutions, in a protocol-agnostic way. Neeraj leads Bluzelle’s most ambitious project to build a world decentralized NoSQL-based database, powered by the Bluzelle token and his metaswarm technology. The database will disrupt the database space, and is slated to be implemented as the basis of data storage for the world’s leading blockchain products.

IoTex: Raullen Chai is a Co-founder of IoTeX, a privacy-focused blockchain platform for the Internet of Trusted Things. Raullen received his PhD in Cryptography at University of Waterloo, where his research focused on lightweight ciphers for connected devices. After his PhD, Raullen spent 5+ years leading teams at Google and Uber as a Tech Lead and Head of Cryptography R&D, respectively. In 2017, Raullen founded IoTeX together with two other Co-founders to transform the way we interact with IoT devices.

IPFS: Dietrich Ayala is committed to making a web that puts users in control of their experience. He leads ecosystem development for IPFS at Protocol Labs, growing adoption of the protocol through developer experience, browser integrations and strategic collaborations. Before Protocol Labs, he spent over a decade at Mozilla building browsers, shipping a smartphone OS and running programs to scale devrel globally.

NKN: Yilun Zhang is the Co-Founder and CTO of NKN, a blockchain-powered decentralized data transmission network. On the research track, Yilun received a Ph.D. degree in Physics from University of California San Diego, where he conducted research in computational neuroscience and distributed information processing systems, which turned out to be the mathematical foundation of the MOCA consensus algorithm proposed by NKN. He also received a B.S. degree in Physics from Peking University. On the engineering track, Yilun started programming since high school and has been a full stack engineer for many years before cofounded NKN.

Storj: Kevin Leffew is a Partner Manager and Solution Architect at Storj Labs. Kevin guides the customer teams of executives, developers, and DevOps managers to connect their solutions to Storj DCS (Decentralized Cloud Storage). Through his work with Storj DCS users and partners, Kevin helps companies reduce their cloud storage spending while also building more resilient, performant, and disaster-proof cloud architectures. Kevin is specifically focused on multi-cloud architectures and reducing the Global Recovery Time for large datasets and backups.

Taxa: TF Guo is Co-founder/CEO of Taxa Network. Blockchain advocate since 2014. White hat since the age of 16. Expert in system security and cryptography. Serial entrepreneur. M.Sc. in Computer Science at GWU. In 2018, TF founded Taxa, a TEE-enabled, highly developable, middleware infrastructure. Taxa empowers dapps in performance/privacy-centric scenarios, such as AI/machine learning, DeFi, NFT, gaming, healthcare, etc.

Please register on Zoom webinar and mark your calendar today!



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A Cellular Automata powered, decentralized data relay network built on Blockchain & incentivized by native token.