What makes Web 3.0 “Trust” Worthy?

Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2022

Web 3.0 Tech Talk 2022 Panel 1

Web 3.0 Tech Talk 2022 Panel 1
Web 3.0 Tech Talk 2022 Panel 1


After two successful years of Web 3.0 Tech Talks (2020 highlights, 2021 highlights), this year we will return with a series of informal panel discussions on the latest hot topics in Web 3.0. The first panel is focusing on “trust”.

You can rewatch the Panel 1 recording on YouYube here


Raullen Chai

Title: CEO and Co-Founder of IoTeX

Bio: Dr. Raullen Chai is an expert cryptographer, privacy and data security expert who before co-founding IoTeX worked at Google, Uber and Oracle. He is a highly-regarded academic with a Ph.D. from the University of Waterloo, where his research focused on designing, analyzing lightweight ciphers and IoT authentication protocols. At Google, he led many important security initiatives for its technical infrastructure, including mitigation of SSL attacks, privacy-preserving SSL offloading, enabling Certificate Transparency for all Google services. He was also the founding engineer of Google Cloud Load Balancer (GCLB), which now serves thousands of cloud services with 1+ million queries per second. His vision for IoTeX is to ensure the IoT MachineFi economy that by 2030 could be worth $12 trillion is democratized and benefits the 99% of people and not just the one percenters.

Dietrich Ayala

Title: IPFS Ecosystem Lead

Bio: Dietrich Ayala leads the Browsers & Platforms group at Protocol Labs, making a more trustworthy and resilient web through the adoption of IPFS, Filecoin and libp2p in browsers, open source libraries, developer tools, mobile apps, operating systems and space communications.

Qi Zhou

Title: Founder of Web3Q and QuarkChain

Bio: Qi Zhou is the Founder of Web3Q and QuarkChain, focusing on future Web3 infra. Qi Zhou is the author/co-author of a couple of EIPs including EIP-4804/EIP-4972/EIP-5018. Before being a full-time Web3 builder, Qi Zhou was a senior software engineer at Facebook, Google, and EMC/Dell, with extensive experience in scalability. Qi Zhou received his Ph.D. degree from Georgia Tech.

Yilun Zhang

Title: CTO and Co-Founder of NKN


  • Ph.D in physics at University of California San Diego. B.S. in physics at Peking University.
  • Domain expert in Cellular Automata, Computational neuroscience, Ising model and distributed information processing systems.
  • Full stack engineer.

Moderator: Bruce Li, Co-Founder of NKN

General questions

Frequently asked questions from general audiences for your reference:

  1. Why and How do we trust blockchain?
  2. Is blockchain the ultimate solution for the distrust between general users and Technology?
  3. How can blockchain protect my privacy?
  4. He/She/They/All is anonymous on the blockchain, What makes it trustworthy?
  5. Data security and “anti-hacking” in Blockchain
  6. Is privacy in blockchain solely achieved by the Consensus algorithm?
  7. Is “trust” the only value of blockchain technology?
  8. Can blockchain trust the existing Internet?
  9. How do we trust a smart contract?
  10. What are the different safety factors for a private and public blockchain?
  11. How is cryptography applied in blockchain technology?
  12. What is zero-knowledge proof, a mere thought, or a real contribution to trust in blockchain?
  13. Can blockchain succeed in people switching from trusting “tycoons”(organizations/central servers/authorities) to trusting “strangers” (individuals)
  14. Does the trust in blockchain solely depend on the Consensus algorithm?
  15. Are there other algorithms more secure and trustworthy than the blockchain?
  16. What exactly is Privacy-Preserving Computation? And does it apply to blockchain technology?
  17. How to prevent contemporary blockchain technology from being hacked? (What is the weakness of contemporary blockchain technology or how to improve the recent one?)

Bruce’s questions:

  1. Bridge and cross-chain security: DeFi’s Achilles heel? And what can we do about it?
  2. Rug pulls, and what can normies do to protect ourselves?
  3. Can we trust any decentralized stablecoins anymore, after the Luna debacle?
  4. Can we trust any high-yield financial products anymore? 20% anyone?
  5. How can web 3 protect my privacy?
  6. Do you trust Vitalik or a DAO more? Benevolent dictators
  7. Will normies value trust more than convenience? E.g. social networks
  8. IPFS: are people willing to pay for trust? (NFT and censored file storage on IPFS)
  9. IoTeX: Can web 3 help build trust with smart devices?
  10. NKN: how can we make sure web 3 helps us to preserve privacy in communication?
  11. Ethereum: PoS and PoW, how can we improve trust in both tracks? What are the upcoming technical solutions, common and different?
  12. Do you need to have some religion or higher belief in web 3.0?

Event recording

You can rewatch the Panel 1 recording on YouYube here

Upcoming event

Next event: September 23, 2022 Friday, 10:30AM PDT

Panel Two: Is Web 3.0 Technology finally contributing to the real world? / A real easy approach to Web 3.0 Blockchain Technology with true industry veterans: are we on the second half of building Web 3.0?

Thank you!



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A Cellular Automata powered, decentralized data relay network built on Blockchain & incentivized by native token.