BrushPile Fishing Media Camp 2021: A Retrospective

Andy Bundy
NKT Productions Blog
4 min readApr 22, 2021


During the week of March 9th through the 14th, BrushPile Fishing (which is a brand of NKT Productions) held a media camp for writers and sponsors intending to help the journalists, anglers, and other content creators associated with the brand with creating content for various platforms.

The camp was held at Dale Hollow Lake and we stayed at the Cedar Hill Resort near Celina, TN. The resort was beautiful and the view made it a perfect location for shooting video for these anglers.

The view from our cabin at Dale Hollow

Day 1 — Thursday

As someone who doesn’t typically make the fishing content for the company, I never took into consideration how much impact weather makes on the content. A couple of weeks prior to the camp, the weather looked like it was going to rain the good majority of the week, so we planned on creating our content indoors at the Cedar Hill Marina.

Thankfully, the weather decided to be kind to us. The day we arrived to set up, the weather was nice and sunny and we were able to set up with no issue. Looking at the weather, we decided that we were going to go out on the boat for social media (where initially we were going to get all of our content indoors).

Dale Hollow Lake from the BrushPile Fishing Boat

Throughout the camp, I learned that flexibility is key when creating content. There was a schedule that was created first, but due to the weather changes, the schedule became a lot more fluid. While it wasn’t the initial plan, we were able to get a lot of video content that first day.

Day 2 —Friday

By the time Friday hit, the rain came…as we expected. It didn’t stop the fishermen from going out (and even one of our camera guys Joe went and shot two full episodes for BrushPile Fishing) and while he was out, I was able to get some more videos as well as podcasts in the marina. Let me tell you, it was my first time in a marina…was NOT expecting the building to move as much as it did because of the wind.

Night shot of the Houseboats on Cedar Hill Marina from Friday Night

Day 3 — Saturday

Saturday was the final day of content for the crew at the Media Camp. We wanted to make sure that we were able to capture a lot more footage as well as release a lot of the fish that were caught that we weren’t going to fry up to eat. We also were able to get a group shot of all of the people involved. BrushPile Fishing was wanting to promote the conservation of wildlife and we shot a few videos about that. The day flew by and we collected some more videos. We had a fish fry that evening, and I even was able to catch my first fish! (Despite working the social media for the fishing show for over a year at this point, I still had not gone fishing)

Group Drone Shot of everyone involved at the Media Camp 2021

Day 4 — Sunday

The last day approached and it was time to wrap up. The weather broke again and we were able to get some more videos in the early morning that we weren’t able to get the night before due to losing our sunlight. After we tore down everything, we then started our trip back home!

Looking Back

As we returned home and organized our footage, we had a sizable amount of content that we had to sort through. Thankfully, as a team, the NKT Productions crew has been able to divide and conquer the content we recorded. This allows us to schedule and prepare content for our social media platforms as well as distribute content to the sponsors and creators that we recorded.

All in all, the Media Camp was a success. The networking opportunities and learning from the camp was a great opportunity that we as a company are glad that we’ve put together. The BrushPile Fishing team is looking to making this an annual thing and having an event such as this is a great asset for the brand.



Andy Bundy
NKT Productions Blog

Professional Video Content Creator on YouTube and Twitch. Freelance Voice Talent.