An organized collection of 94 articles with NLP tips

Language models, transformers, embeddings, chatbots, knowledge graphs, etc.

Fabio Chiusano
5 min readAug 11, 2022


Hello fellow NLP enthusiasts! This article provides an overview of the topics covered on NLPlanet since its inception and it’s meant to be a resource for learning about interesting NLP topics. At the end, I will give a brief overview of the growth of NLPlanet. Enjoy! 😄

Topics covered on NLPlanet

I’ve grouped the articles into distinct NLP and artificial intelligence categories. As some articles belong to multiple categories, you may find them more than once in the list.

Intro to NLP

Intro to NLP tasks


Language models

Knowledge graphs, entity linking, relation extraction

Semantic search

Metrics and benchmarks

Explainable AI

Popular NLP libraries

Attention and Transformers

Chatbots and Intents

Sentiment Analysis


Text Classification


Topic Modeling

Speech Recognition

Text to Speech



Training visualization

Multimodal models


Regular Expressions

Coreference resolution

Grammatical error correction


Question Answering

Keyword and keyphrase extraction

Model optimizations





Recommender Systems

On writing about NLP

The current state of NLPlanet

NLPlanet started in December 2021 and currently has 617 followers on Medium, 1339 on LinkedIn, 117 on Twitter, and 281 members on its Discord server.

Here is the total number of daily views of the articles published on the Medium publication, which is on a low-but-steady growth.

Daily views of the articles published on the NLPlanet Medium publication.

We’re organizing some informal online meetups on the Discord server where members of the community give brief presentations about NLP topics and get to know each other. Up to now, we talked about topic modeling, speech recognition, speech analysis, and audio.

What’s next

You can expect NLPlanet to continue publishing articles that spread knowledge about NLP, at a rate between one to three articles per week.

If you’re interested in connecting with people in the same field worldwide, join the Discord server! 🙂



Fabio Chiusano

Freelance data scientist — Top Medium writer in Artificial Intelligence